Chapter 3

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Song: I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus, by- the Jackson five


Rick's POV

"Would you quit it?"

I looked up and saw Jeffery glaring at me from across the table we both sat at that was filled with paperwork packed into an array of manila folders.

I shrugged and felt confused, "What?"

He huffed and pointed an accusatory finger at me, "You've been sighing for the past 20 minutes and I can't stand it anymore."

I scratched my head feeling a twinge of embarrassment as I looked down to the piles of paperwork I was helping Jeffery complete for the company before Christmas break. But as I looked down at my pathetic shrimp of a 'Done' pile I realized I hadn't actually been helping that much.

As I thought on the reason why my pile was so pathetically small it led to me to thinking about the upcoming holiday that was just a few days away and I sighed.


I looked up apologetically and Jeffery just shook his head with a soft growl as he rubbed his head tenderly.

"Sorry man. Just a little wound up about Christmas I guess..." I almost began to sigh again but held it in by pure will when I caught Jeffery's sharpened eyes.

Jeffery dropped his pen down on the table and crossed his arms while leaning back in his chair, "Well, who isn't a nervous wreck by this time of year? The stress of the holidays gets to everyone."

I nodded and knew he was right but it still bugged me...

My face must have showed the battle going on inside because soon Jeffery groaned and rubbed a tired hand over his face, "Tell me what's wrong so we can get back to work quicker."

I chuckled at his groaning because I knew he wasn't really mad at me when I could plainly see the smirk on his lips behind his hand.

Jeffery had been a good friend to me the past year since we had become partners in business for Jeffery's Loggers. He had heard more of my rants than most for the simple fact that we spent most of our days together sitting just across the hall from each other. So I didn't really feel awkward about talking about something a little more personal with him. I knew he would set me straight and that's what I really needed right now.

"It's Avery..."

He chuckled, "Of course it is."

I couldn't stop this sigh as it left and Jeffery raised an eyebrow.

"It's just... this will be our first official Christmas this year and I... I just wanted to get him something special..."

Jeffery nodded and motioned for me to continue so I did.

"Last year was a bit of a jumbled mess that was just thrown together last minute that just happened to turn out okay. I know Avery's been working really hard to make this year's Christmas fantastic and I'm really happy he's excited to be with my family but that just reminds me how... how he doesn't have one of his own..."

I paused as the memory of Avery telling me about his father and what had happened all of those years ago came back and dampened my spirits even more. Just the thought that Avery had had to spend all of those Christmases without a real family made my heart ache and the need to do something special that much more potent.

"Well... then get him something great."

I scoffed at the rather obvious advice and ran my hands frustratedly through my hair, "If it was that simple I wouldn't be losing all of my hair over it. I've asked and asked him what he wants but every time he says he doesn't need anything... I've even gone to Evie and she said she didn't know either..."

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