Chapter 6

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Song: Oh Holy Night, by- John Williams


Scott Summer's POV

"Here let me."

I moved forward to grab the large punch bowl Evie was trying to carry to the dining room table but was quickly rebuffed with a flailing elbow into my ribs and a soft growl from Evie. She scowled up at me as she teetered the precariously full punch bowl about in her small hands and I watched, holding my breath, as the liquid sloshed dangerously close to the top.

"I got it! Don't pester me."

She huffed as she continued or at least tried to continue walking forward balancing the large heavy bowl in her small delicate hands. I was but a step behind the whole journey laying my arms out on either side of her but far enough back where she couldn't fully see what I was doing.

She wobbled back and forth as I stood ready to snatch the bowl at a second's notice. My feline instincts on full alert. But she bravely continued to try carrying the large bowl to the dining room table where we had laid out food and snacks in a buffet style so everyone could just grab what they wanted when they wanted it throughout the day. It simply made it easier for everyone if we didn't have to worry about cooking a big meal if everyone just brought already prepared food.

"Be careful...." I muttered as she skidded onto the hardwood floor from the carpet.

We slowly made our way to the dining room table just a few feet away and Evie looked over her shoulder at me just as she was setting the bowl down,

"Told you. I got this." She beamed with pride.

I was going to answer with a light snide remark when Rachel came bustling through with a plate full of cookies and eyes focused on something in the living room only to bump right into Evie.

It was all in slow motion as the bowl of punch lurched and both Evie and Rachel squeaked as they froze watching it begin to fall to its demise. Without a word I quickly went into motion as I dove forward to grab ahold of the glass bowl and gave a shuddering breath as I watched a puddle splash onto the wood flooring.

But it could have been a lot worse.

I carefully set the bowl on the table before turning to give my little sister a hard glare, "Rachel!"

She shrunk back and attempted to smile sweetly as she carefully hustled to Evie's side and hid slightly behind my mate in hopes of saving herself, "Sorry?"

It came out as more of a question than anything else and I couldn't help the huffing snarl that left me as I rolled my eyes at her.

"What happened?"

I turned my slightly sour gaze to Jordan, Rachel's 'friend', and raised an eyebrow as Rachel all but ran and snuggled into his side. She then went on to tell a giant tale of what had happened seconds ago.

She was quite the storyteller. Our father had more than once compared her to a fisherman.

My muscles were bunched and tensed as I watched the two just about ready to rip them apart before I felt the warm familiar hand of my beloved wife fall onto my chest, "You're going to get an aneurysm if you keep glaring at them like that."

I huffed, "Then maybe I wouldn't have to watch them anymore then."

She chuckled tyring to hide it in a cough as the two in question snuggled closer and started whispering sweet nothings to the other. She noticed my narrowing eyes and looked over her shoulder at the two sickening lovebirds and gave a small grimace. But she just shook her head and rubbed my shoulder tenderly as her eyes wandered down to the puddle on the floor.

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