Chapter 5

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We reach my 2 bedroom house, and I notice an unfamiliar car parked on my road. I head towards the house and unlock the door cautiously while trying not to act paranoid.
'Baby, I'm home!" I yell down the hallway.
"Do you have a boyfriend or something?" Derek asks while looking down at my ring finger.
I smirk "You can say that'"
Then we start to hear nails scraping against wood, and then my 125-pound brindle mastiff, Baby hurdles himself down the hallway. I stepped out the way just in time and before I know it Baby slams into Derek causing him to fall on the ground with an "Oof".
"Get this beast off me" Derek screeches.
I try to hold my laughter but fail miserably. As I drag Baby off and he manages to hit Derek's lower region.
"Why is his name Baby he certainly isn't one," Derek says while trying to wipe the pained expression off his face.
" I wanted to name him something that didn't sound threatening, so kids aren't afraid of him." I shrug
"Well I think the puddle of slobber dangling from his mouth and the stuffed bunny in his mouth does that for you," Derek says.
Right, when I was about to tell Derek I had another dog I hear a crash coming from outside. I look through the window and spot a broken bottle on the road; litterbug I thought. I was about to turn away when I spot a familiar tattoo, Antonio's gang sign. As I look the car closer, I mentally kick myself for not noticing the car, that had been in my nightmares ever since I was 11.
"Shit!" I screech while running, well hobbling towards the closet.
"What" Derek shrugged.
"Do you know who David Hernandez is? I asked hurriedly, while still rummaging through the closet.
"Yea isn't he the hired assassin for the gang case we're on. Why?" Derek asks.
"Well he's here to kill us or at least me," I say while panicking.
"What" He runs over to the window and starts locking all the entrances.
"Aha!" I yell while clutching the bulletproof vest.
"As funny it would be to watch you "a cripple" fight professional assassin, but Frank wouldn't approve," Derek says trying to lighten the mood.
"I'm not going to wear this and neither are you, Baby is," I say
I explain to him that Baby is a trained cadaver dog, which means he finds bodies that were buried in the ground. I also told him that Baby was also trained to protect the forensic team, just in case the suspects came back and tried to prevent the forensic team, from finding the evidence and body.
"Baby, Work," I say sternly.
Baby begins to wag his tail uncontrollably because he loves his job.
"Can you help me, I can barely hold him back with all limbs working right, so I can't now" I say nervously waiting to let him go after David.
We pull Baby to the front door, which we opened just enough to let Baby get through. I pointed at David's arm and whispered: "get."
Baby hurled himself down the street, where he latched onto David's arm and dragged him through the car window. I wince at the sound of his shoulder popping out place. Next thing I see is Derek arresting David. Baby starts walking around the car and laid down by the trunk, which means he found a body. I start to walk towards the trunk when Derek catches my attention.
"I now see why you named him Baby as he puts David's arm back in place.
I head back to the trunk and I see David smirking. I just let it pass by me as I cringe at what I'm about to see in the trunk. I open the trunk and right there was Frank's pale bloody lifeless body.

What did you agents think? I'm sorry, but I had to add something exciting because I felt the excitement was going downhill. You agents should follow me on Instagram, my user is lyssa_marie_02

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