All That Glitters

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Two weeks later, Niall stared at zayn, pulling on one of Zayn's jumpers and a pair of jeans. Zayn was changing too, into a pair of trackies and a tank top. Pulling on his leather jacket, he walked over to Niall, leaning down to kiss him softly. "not a big deal." he promised, nodding.

Niall sighed, running a hand through his hair, you are a horrible person." he said, pecking him once. "let's go." he added, pulling away and looking around the flat again. Zayn nodded, wrapping an arm around his waist. "and just so you know...the other dancers are friends...and they're...characters. Just, don't take any of them too seriously, okay?" he said, kissing niall's temple. The blond nodded, leaning into Zqyn's side and inhaling deeply.

He had grown accustom to the smell of cigarettes, and it no longer bothered him. He let Zayn lead him down to the motorcycle. He got on behind zayn, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend's waist, putting on his helmet as well.

Niall quite liked riding on the back of zayn's motorcycle. He liked watching things as they flew past him. He liked knowing that if Zayn did once thing wrong, that he could very well be dead. That fact would freak people out, but not Niall. He found it incredibly exhilarating. He felt like he was flying.

A few minutes later, they were parked in front of a club. Niall pulled his helmet off, looking up at the sign. He sighed, shaking his head before standing up. He reached for Zayn's hand, interlocking their fingers. He waited for Zayn to pull him inside, walking to the back, through a door that read 'Performers Only' in glittery black letters.

Niall looked around wide eyed. There were hair and makeup chairs and different racks all filled with costumes and a large couch, and there were a couple of people there, all of whom were young attractive men. Niall flushed red.

In seconds, an attractive boy with feminine features was on his feet, walking over and pecking Zayn, gushing about how much he had missed him. Zayn nodded, ruffling the man's hair before explaining that he needed to have nick fix him up.

Louis nodded, watching Zayn walk off before turning to Niall. "and who might this be?" he asked, raising his eyebrows. He chuckled, taking his hand. "I'm Louis, and you, my dear, are the cutest thing that I've ever laid eyes on." he said, giving Niall a slow once over. Until that moment, Niall hadn't really taken him in. He was only in boxer briefs; his body looked soft and curvier than most men. Niall smiled awkwardly.

"so, what's your name, sweetie?" he asked, a smirk on his lips. Niall bit his lip, flushing bright red. "I'm Niall." he said. Louis took his hand, pulling him to the couch, laughing excitedly. "don't be embarrassed, I'm perfectly okay with your staring. I'm Pretty, right?" he said, pushing Niall down before sitting on his lap.

"so, Niall. You're Zayn's...boyfriend? I'm assuming boyfriend because zayn wouldn't bring just anyone here. Only someone that he trusted." he said slowly. "and you are beautiful. I'd love to touch you." he said simply, leaning in to peck him. "creamy skin...mmmm." he said, chuckling. "but you're a bottom boy, right? Maybe you like to top?" he asked, playing with the collar of Niall's jumper.

Niall was at a loss for words, frowning deeply. "I...I dunno." he stumbled out, and Louis nodded. "but you do think that I'm pretty, right? You'd like to feel me? I'm quite soft." he said, and Niall squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, not knowing how to react to the situation.

"Niall, you aren't answering me, sweetie." he said, and Niall opened his eyes slowly, shrugging. "yeah, you're absolutely beautiful." he said, feeling his blush all the way through his ears. Louis giggled, taking his hand. "you can feel if you'd like. Zayn doesn't mind, he knows that I'm harmless." he said, pulling niall's hand to his waist, grinning down at him.

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