Pick 'N' Mix

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Niall's eyes narrowed before he even stood up, pushing himself out of the warm bed and wrapping his arms around his own midsection. He made his way to the closet, pulling on some clothes before heading to the kitchen, making himself some breakfast, yawning lazily as the bacon sizzled in the pan, inhaling deeply.

When he felt Zayn's strong hands on his hips, he tensed up.

"I really don't want to sound rude or start anything, but could you honestly not for a moment?" he questioned annoyedly, reaching a hand up to comb through his tangled hair.

"Dammit, Niall. This really isn't a huge deal unless you make it one." He said, voice coming out exasperated. Niall spinned around, staring at him pointedly, feeling the air grow thick between them.

"You're a bloody fucking idiot, Zayn Malik!" he snapped, "Is this the kind of life you want? Three packs a week and casual drug use while you strip naked for money and barely scratch by?" his tone was accusatory, the words pointed and harsh.

"Because it isn't what I want."

And Zayn felt a sharp pang in his chest, knawing on his heart. He pushed away from the blonde boy, grabbing a helmet and throwing it at the smaller lad. "Come on or you'll be late" he spoke, sounding too calm.

"Zayn, that isn't what meant, and you know it" he responded, voice much gentler. the helmet had clattered to the floor when Niall had failed to catch it. "I only mean tat I'd like for us to have a house...and enough money for me to take you on dates and buy you presents. I want to spoil you...I just...I want..."

"You want me, not the lifestyle that I come with. You want to spend your life with Liam or with Demi, someone who can take you out and show you off. You want someone who can provide for you. You want someone who's safe" he sighed, "You want my face, my body, and their privilege."

And that time, Niall feels a sharp tug in his chest, swallowing thickly and inhaling sharply at the sharp punch to his stomach. He hadn't meant to start anything. "No, Zee' he started, sighing, "I want you to come back to school. You're so smart, smarter than I am...too brilliant to be uneducated." he said softly, leaning up to peck him.

Zayn only pulled away, staring down at him with cold, uncaring eyes.

"Drop it, Niall. Drop it now" he demanded, and Niall's head bowed, eyes trained on the carpet bellow his feet. They were both quiet for what felt like an eternity, birds chirping and cars passing outside, eventually, Zayn reached down, picking up the helmet and slamming it to Niall's chest.

"We're leaving now." he snapped sternly, going to grab his leather jacket.

"I haven't eaten my breakfast" he argued, but Zayn shook his head, muttering angrily under his breath. So niall stopped cooking, scooping the half-made breakfast into a container and chucking it in the fridge before pushing out the door, making his way down to lean against Zayn's bike.

A moment later, Zayn was walking over, giving the irish lad a small, annoyed once over before pulling his own helmet on and mounting the bike. Niall clenched his jaw, pulling on his own before getting behind him, wrapping his arms around the older boy's waist, leaning into his shoulder.

The wind chilled him while they sped down the highway out to the high school in the suburbs, and he found himself pressed tightly against Zayn's back, looking for warmth. His head was swimming, thoughts pulling his attention this way and that. He couldn't force Zayn's words to leave his brain, the cold tone taunting him.

He couldn't find a way to explain to Zayn that he only wanted for everything to be alright, including their possible future.

He kept thinking about it until they were parked in front of the ugly brick building, sighing annkyedly when they were parked, fogging up the helmet. He got off, pulling the helmet from his head, "What should I do with this?" he questioned, voice coming out meeker than it had in a long while.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2020 ⏰

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