Goodbye kisses

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Chapter four

Niall woke up curled into Zayn's chest, and he smiled a bit, nuzzling into the soft skin. His muscles were smooth, and Niall took a moment to just memorize how beautiful he really was. "you stare at me a lot."he heard a sleepy Zayn grumble, and Niall laughed loudly and exuberantly.

"yeah, I do." he said, his cheeks tinged pink. "and you still smoke a lot." he said, reaching a tentative hand down to trace Zayn's features softly, his calloused fingers moving slowly and gracefully. "well, I won't be this morning because /someone/ threw my pack over the balcony railing, prick." he said, nudging Niall in the ribs. Niall giggled. "hey, you're too pretty to die from Lung cancer." he said, "although, I will admit, you look really hot when you're smoking." he replied, biting his lip and shrinking into himself.

Zayn opened his eyes at that, looking up at the blond. He sat up, not saying anything for another minute, trying to think of something witty to say. "wait, /the/ Niall Horan thinks that I look hot while I smoke? There's some hope for you yet, Blondie." he said. "what would daddy think." Niall grumbled at the second part, shoving Zayn's chest. "don't bring him into this. He's not important." Niall said, his words being completely out of character.

Zayn raised his eyebrows, "so, if daddy doesn't matter, I guess that means that I can give you a good morning blow job?" he asked, his eyes glinting,and niall's eyes widened in what almost looked like horror. "please don't." he said, scrambling away and falling off the bed.

He still wasn't completely comfortable with the whole 'being gay' thing, and he didn't want his first sexual experience to be meaningless. Zayn sighed, pulling on a fresh pair of boxers and tossing a pair to Niall along with a pair of trackies. He stood up, leaving the room, and niall felt his heart sink. He stood up, changing into Zayn's boxers and sweats. He felt embarrassed by how they looked, sinking low on his hip bones because they were just a tad bit too big, but Niall wasn't complaining because they were soft and worn and /zayn's/ and they smelled just like him.

He left the bedroom, walking to the kitchen where Zayn was making coffee. "do you eat breakfast?" he asked Niall, some stupid cartoon playing on the tv in the background, and Niall couldn't help but think one thing: I could get used to this.

He wanted to wake up curled in zayn's arm while they have small play fights. And Niall wants to wear his clothes and drink coffee and make breakfast and cuddle while watching pointless cartoons that play on Saturday mornings.

Niall nodded. "I eat constantly." he informed with a shrug, looking around the kitchen. "i'll make breakfast if you want?" Niall offered, tentatively walking over to lean against the counter next to zayn, and the darker boy nodded. "yeah, sure." he said, "go ahead and use whatever." he added, smiling when the coffee machine beeped. Zayn took his black, needing something extra because of his lack of morning cigarette thing or whatever.

Niall added tons of sugar, drinking his coffee contently while he sat on Zayn's kitchen counter. Zayn would come in and out, doing random things, and Niall got up to survey Zayn's fridge and pantry in search of breakfast food. He settled on making omlettes, getting everything out and setting them on the counter when there was a loud knock at the door. "Malik, open up right fucking now!" a man said, sounding angry and unkind. Niall froze, turning to look between Zayn and the door.

The older boy walked over to Niall, leaning down to whisper to him. "Get In my room, lock the door. Do not come out until I say you can." Niall nodded, his eyes clouded with fear. "and I mean it, Niall. You do not come out no matter what you hear happening, do you understand?" he said urgently while there were more angry hits at the door. Niall nodded, rushing off to hide in Zayn's bedroom, but he stayed close to the door, wanting to hear.

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