Chapter I

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At 13, Rogue knew what naked was and what will happen once her brother steps inside their mother's room...

"Reeve," she called.

Reeve looked her way, his face etched in pain and worry. "It's late, go to sleep Rogue."

Her heart clenched at the sight of him. Her heart shattered into a million tiny little pieces and scattered on the wooden floor.

Rogue immediately ran inside her room and buried her face in the sheets. Her hands balled into fists, creasing the fabric as she pressed her face deeper into the mattress.

"I hate you, Lucy," she murmured repeatedly. She felt her heart thud violently against her pacemaker.

Her mother's window and door were cracked open slightly allowing the noises to filter out. Rogue heard them enough during their 'session'.

The sound of her mother's breathy moans was enough to make her puke. She loved to give their neighbors a clue that they were doing it. She enjoyed letting them know they were having sex.

Rogue continuously cried, covered her ears with a pillow, and curled into a ball on the bed.

She had heard the frequent moans coming from their shared wall over the years, but she had always told herself it was something else, even after she was old enough to know better.

After what seemed like an eternity, her mother reached her climax, letting out one last "Rufussss!" before becoming quiet once more. It was always been Rufus whom Lucy cried out for. The man who abandoned them. The father she never knew.

Lucy was still in love with him but she couldn't mourn Rufus forever; he wasn't even dead. He just disappeared in their lives. Lucy thought she was going to die because of one man who didn't want her. The man she stole from Amanda, Reeve's real mother, was also stolen away from Lucy too.

She was paying the price and so was Reeve, without her bother knowing the fact.

A few moments after, Rogue tossed aside the pillow and sat back up, hoping that would be it for the night. She stood up from her bed and opened her door, hearing a loud snoring, she breathed a sigh of relief. Her mother was gloriously fast asleep after finding her release.

Her brother stepped out of their mother's room. His just-fucked tousled hair was covering his face. His shoulder was down. Instead of a glowing smile and bright eyes, he rather looked as if the weight of the world was pressed down on his shoulders.


Reeve said nothing, only stared down at the floor.

"Brother!" she called again.

He turned to look at her with his shameful blue eyes.

"You should be sleeping."

"I can't sleep."

Reeve spun his heel and was about to walk back to his room when Rogue hugged him from behind.

"Brother, let's leave. I can't take it anymore. She's a monster," Rogue cried.

Reeve tried to remain stoic. His face holding no emotion. His eyes were impenetrable fortresses, keeping everything in.

"She's still our mother. We're the only ones she got," Reeve said without looking at his sister.

"She's not treating us like her children! I truly think she enjoys being an erratic mess," Rogue sniffed.

"Ssh...don't cry. It's not good for you." He stood still, eyes blank at the weeping innocent girl he cared about so much.

"Why do you have to do this to yourself?" Rogue asked between each sob.

He sighed heavily on this and turned to her.

"You rest," he pressed a kiss on her temple. "Knock on my door, if you need anything." He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and smiled lovingly.

He had to be the most patient man in the world, Rogue thought. Her brother played the role of her parents when Rufus left and Lucy became a shell of herself.

Reeve's childhood had gone by in a flash. He could have gone to a decent school, chase girls, get a high paying job, do anything for his life...anything would have been easier if Rufus didn't leave.

She exhaled in defeat, not understanding why his brother wouldn't want to leave.

"Do me a favor," she said, her voice shaking. "I want my pancake with chocolate chips tomorrow."

Reeve nodded, giving her small hug before walking back to his room.

Rogue tried her hardest not to cry herself to sleep. She was tired, really. Tired of crying every night.

She was awake and alert, feeling every beat of her pacemaker does. She pulled out her phone and she began to dial 911. Her fingers froze on the call button, but she remembered her brother's face who was slowly losing hope they'd get out from their miserable situation.

She remembered her mother's face puffing her cigarette while they were eating dinner. Her hatred is not a laughable hatred. It was deep, horrible feeling that has made their relationship non-existent.

Lucy was a model before Rogue came and she openly blamed her for ruining her life just by being born. She became her emotional punching bag just because she gave birth to her. It was an understatement, Rogue hated her mother so much.

How she wished she had a mother that bake cake and cookies. A mother that she could go to whenever a friend is mean to her. The person that she could run to when she's upset and needed advice. Thankfully, her brother stepped in and assumed that role.

She let her finger push the button and put the nail on her abusive acts.

"Yes, my name is Rogue Gates and I need to report a drug use, domestic abuse...and sexual harassment," her voice cracked.

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