Chapter 4

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Rogue pulled out her book and tried to ignore the hustle and bustle that was going on around her. They sat quietly for a few minutes. Each unknowingly thinking about the other. Taking side glances as each other noting details of their faces in their minds.

"First time flying?" Mikael asked her with an easy grin.

She looked up at him under her fringe. If she could endure the guys' self-absorbed antics in her school, then she could certainly endure a guy who was trying to hold a conversation.

"Yeah," she nodded with a smile.

"Don't worry, it gets easier after the first few times," Mikael assured.

She wasn't in the mood to socialize with people but since she would sit with him for the next five hours she could hardly turn down the invitation.

"I don't think I'll be flying much but I'll keep that in mind," she replied giving him a weak smile at his awkward but well-meaning attempt to put her at ease.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't the best person to sit next to. I noticed you back there at the boarding area, you were very silent," he paused and give her a sheepish look, "I am too, is a little introvert but I guess I'm with my friends so I kind of harness some of their confidence. I apologize if I was a little chatty..."

She managed to give him another smile in return. "Don't worry about it. I wasn't the best person to sit next to either."

Mikael took her statement as a queue to start up another conversation.

"Excuse me." A stewardess approached to offer them complimentary meals. They both selected a fruit and a cheese platter. "Would you like something to drink?"

"I'd like orange juice please," Mikael said.

"Just water," Rogue replied.

Rogue set aside her book and lowered her tray to place her meal. After a few sips, Mikael decided to break the ice again.

"I read that book, I was so surprised that she chose the darkness instead of the light."

Rogue looked at him incredulously. "I can't believe you just told me the ending. I'm only halfway through it."

He chuckled. "Just kidding. I have never read that book. It was just a random theory to get you to talk to me again."

"Next time, start with a Hi than a silly pick-up line," she replied with a small smile.

He looked at her and smiled broadly, a little embarrassed by his futile attempts to get her attention.

They spent the next two hours talking about his band, her books, movies, and music.

Rogue looked out the window to the cloudy sky, admiring the fluffy ever-extending clouds passing by.

The thoughts of starting a fresh new life crossed her mind. A new and longer life awaits for her in Boston. She let out a deep breath and wished she could bring her brother with her.

She yawned and Mikael helped her to recline her seat. He placed the cup on the cup holder and gave the tray to the passing flight attendant.

"Well, time to catch some shut-eye." He flashed a grin and Rogue felt giddy inside. Her heart was beating twice as fast. Him next to her, she might not be needing her pacemaker. "You can borrow my book if you want."

Mikael smiled. "Thanks."

She forced herself to drift into slumber, shutting all thoughts in her mind.

Rogue jolted awake when she felt the plane start to descend and made its turn into the approach. Her heart was beating loud in her ears, she could almost hear it.

Hold it together Rogue, she chided herself.

"Easy there," Mikael said when he saw Rogue glanced around with wide eyes. She accidentally held his hand.

It was enough for her to feel a strange sensation in her stomach. She never knew the tenderness that emanated from a relationship, the warmth of human touch and all the things that it could elicit.

It was cold back home. She couldn't even remember the time her brother genuinely laugh or her mother hold her in her arms.

Rogue cast a brief glance at Mikael. "Thank you," she nodded appreciatively. Something just happened and neither one can vocalize it. He didn't let go of her hand the remainder of the flight.

The wheels touched down and the plane started to taxi to the terminal. It came to a stop and the engine shut down. Finally, they landed safely at Logan International Airport.

The pilot's voice came over the speaker, welcoming them all to Massachusetts and thanking them for choosing to fly West Land Airlines.

Once it was safe to stand, Mikael released her hand and grabbed her bag from the overhead compartment and hand it to her.

"Thank you." She couldn't hide the blush the crept up, spreading over her cheeks.

Atty. Hammond walked passed them and said to Rogue. "I'll meet you outside."

She nodded and Mikael took a step back in the aisle to allow her to walk ahead of him. They reached the terminal and navigated their way through the airport to claim their baggage with heavy feet...and hearts.

Atty. Hammond retrieved her luggage from the carousel and she quickly took it to attach her smaller bag on top.

They stood silent for a few moments until Clinton shouted to hurry up and that they both almost jumped.

"There is a car waiting for us," Atty. Hammond said and strode toward the gate.

"Yeah, let's go." Rogue nodded and to Mikael softly she said, "Bye."

"C'mon dude!" one of his bandmates called.

"Wait!" Mikael yelled to them.

Rogue didn't seem to hear him. She continued to walk without looking back at him.

Mikael ran after Rogue and stood in front of her, blocking her way out. "Wait, I don't know your name yet."

"I'm...Rogue," she said with a wide smile.

"It's nice to meet you, Rogue, I'm Mikael," he extended his hand and Rogue took it.

"Me too."

"I'll see around?"

Rogue nodded her head and shyly took her hand back. She proceeded to the gate where a car was waiting for her.

This was it, finally, she's meeting her father and his family.

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