Chapter Nine:Discovering Something Sinister

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Chapter Nine: Discovering Something Sinister

I blinked at Alex standing a few feet away from me. His face crunched up into disgust and pulled out a white handkerchief from his maroon pants. He held the handkerchief in his face. I send glacial glare toward him for nearly giving me a heart attack.

He pulled the handkerchief away. "I didn't expect at all that, what you said in the office involve you snooping around the academy's dumpster. And FYI, you smell awful."

"Thank you for telling me that not so obvious observation of yours and I'm not snooping." I shoved the annoying keys inside my front pocket. "My keys got lost and I went to retrive it." Glancing at the cat wrist watch, frowning. I took too long in this horrifying dumpster that I missed my afternoon classes. "I gotta go."

I narrowed my eyes, eyeing the smirked in his face. Puffing, I purposely walked passed him. I smirked from his quick side step and glaring at me. I laugh at his horrified expression. "You need a lot of shower to get rid of that foul smell."

"Oh, I know." I was in a safe distance from him. I turned around, "Why are you here by the way? Stalking me?" I arched an eyebrow at him.

He laughed, shaking his head. "No princess. I was send here by Mr. Rease to inspect how much damage the broken garbage shredder cause." He turned around to look at the dumpster. "And seeing this huge pile of garbage. I can definitely report worst than I expected. I might even exaggerate it a bit." He turned again to me. "But- I never expected you inside that dumpster."

I clicked my tongue, left eyebrow twitching. "Yeah. And I better leave you to your inspection and get that hot shower which is by the way calling my name repeatedly."

"Make sure to move quickly. You don't want to be the subject of the next paper." I can see amusement in his eyes. I puffed and curse under my breath. Turning around, I walked away leaving the idiot behind. He is such an arrogant jerk.

I was gripping the keys tighter when my ears pirked a hush whispers coming from the tall bush fench beside me. I catch some of their conversation but leaned further to hear clearly. Assigning as field reporter is starting to rub in.

"We should finish it in the next party." A male voice spoke up.

Party? Hmm. Interesting. But what to finish?

"No dumb ass. Boss said to just give her a warning. Just scare her to back out of the Ms. Masquerade. No hurting." Male voice number two spoke up.

"But-" Voice one spoke up again.

"No buts. We need to follow instructions." A pause. "What is that disgusting smell?"

Scowling, I glared at the leaves and small branches in front of me that is starting to poke my eye if I leaned more further. My left eyebrow twitch and my hands itched to punch the prick who commented on my obviously disgusting smell. But I can't blame him though, he doesn't know my horrible experience of wrestling inside the dumpster. "Come on before anybody see us here." I heard shuffling of steps. I didn't move, not even a muscle. My hands are still itching to punch something or someone.

I keep rewinding their conversation and wish I heard more. The wheels in my head keeps turning despite the distractingly disgusting smell.

Party. Finish something. Warning. Scare her. Back out from Ms. Masquerade.

Everything I have gathered is not enough. I need more clues. And I definitely need to find out something about this upcoming party or whose party it is. What really bugging my mind is who are they referring to as 'she'? I need to get to the bottom of this.

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