Chapter Twelve:Our Little Adventure

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Chapter Twelve: Our Little Adventure

The floor boards of the small shed shrieked when we step into it. Alexander check the door, he twist the knob and thankfully it opened. He peek inside and motioned for me to follow with his hand.

Rolling my eyes, Does he really think I need direction? I guess he does. I thought. What a total gentleman.

We step inside a dark cold room. I fish out my phone from my front pocket and turned on the flashlight. The artificial light illuminated some part of the room. It looked like its been abandoned for years. The cream red paint is totally plucked away, leaving some dots of the paint color behind.

I point the light at all the corner and found nothing. There is nothing inside the shed, only dust and dirt. I started tapping forcefully my foot on the floor.

"What are you doing? You're going to bring the floor down." I couldn't see his face but I imagine it to be annoyed.

"Shut up!" I annoyingly said to him while tapping some more. "Bingo." I said, excitedly. Hearing a strange sound on the floor board, I think I found what I was looking for. I crounched down and started patting the ground for a door handle. My hand grab a steel ring and test to pull it up. I think I need my full strength. I shove my phone to Alex. "Hold this. I'm going to lift this up."

"Aren't I suppose to lift that up because I'm the man here."

I frown. "Men and their inflated ego when woman do their manly job." I pulled the round ring up and push the ground door open. Alex and I peek at the bottom with him pointing the flashlight. "I'm going in."

"Ladies first." He said smirking, holding his hand for me to go first.

"Yeah a total gentleman at a very wrong time and a scaredy cat."

"Whatever you say."

"Arrogant jerk."

I step down the stairs going to the basement of the shed. "Do you have your phone with you?"

"Of course." Alex answered behind me.

"Why the hell aren't you using it?! Give me my phone. I can't see a damn thing." I grab my phone from his hand.

"It's just a waste of my battery. Besides when yours empty up I know were going to use mine."

Rolling my eyes, I focus my attention to the tasked at hand. We only have eight minutes before the opening start. I reach the bottom step and saw that the floor is covered with water. I scanned the area with my eyes pointing the light at the same time. The whole room is wet because of the water dripping from the side ceiling and from the roots sticking out from the walls.

"This shed is built beside a river." I heard Alex said behind me. My eyes caught something at the far corner wall. I zeroed my eyes to see a brown box soak with water.

"Shit." I muttered under my breath. I walked down the water and started to moved toward the box. The water is muddy and sticky making me walked slower. "I think I found the fireworks."

"Great. Hurry back. Something is not right here."I grab the box and started to walked back to Alex whose so busy looking around the shed's basement.

"What a great man you are. Letting some lady do the dirty work." I murmured under my breath trying to keep moving faster.

Alex must have seen something behind me because he walked toward me fast. He picked up a wood stick from the side and speed walked through the muddy water. "Watch out!" I turned back anda see a snake ready to strike at me. I lifted my foot but cursed when I couldn't moved at all. Alex came fast in front of me and smack the snake away. " We should hurry up. There are a lot of snakes here."

"I can't move. Help me." Alex tug on my foot and he started to pulled it up. I tried my hardest to pulled too. I suddenly looked up sensing somethinh and see a snake hanging above Alex. "Screw the fireworks!"

I drop the box and grab the wood from his grasp and swing it to the snake. The snake hit the wall hard falling to the water. "Take that you stupid snakes!" I tried my best to pulled up my foot and finally it lose free. Alex grab my hand and we rush to the stairs. Theres a lot of snakes inside trying to get us. It looks like its a snakes home. We race through the stairs. When we emerge from the door, Alex quickly shut it close.

"I think you disturb them when you stomp on the floor." Alex said rubbing his muddy shoes on the floor.

Sighing, "Yeah. I think so too." I look at my watch and grimace.

"Thanks for saving me instead of your precious fireworks." Alex said looking at me straight in the eye.

"No problem. By the way, you save me too so I guess I'm just returning the favor." I said suddenly feeling shy. "Thanks."

We looked at each other for a while until I heard an explosion that snap me out of our trance. We averted our eyes awkwardly while Alex cough.

"Oh my God." I saw that it's already time for opening night. I looked at Alex with panic in my eyes. I race outside with Alex hot in my trail. I push the door open in time to see fireworks in the night sky. I gape at the beautiful display of explosion in the sky. "What the hell."

I ran toward the trail leading up to the edge of the forest and to the festival and finally to the back stage. I was out of breath, putting my hands on my knees while taking large gulp of air into my lungs.

"Ms. Inkheart where have you been?" I looked up to see Mr. Rease, Mr. Robert and Sarah looking at me. I held one finger in front of them and took one last gulp of large air and straighten up.

"Well sir there have been a problem a while ago but I guess it has been solve seeing that there are fireworks in the sky." I speak through gritted teeth.

"Oh. Good thing that Sarah here has a prepared back up plan." Mr. Rease looked at Sarah fondly. I narrowed my eyes at her.

"I know she will some how messed this up. So, I brought some spare fireworks." She said smirking at me.

"How did you know that I'm gonna some how screw this up with the fireworks?" I arched an eyebrow at her, crossing my arms against my chest.

"Oh. I don't know. I just luckily come prepared." I looked at her doubtful. I sense Alex's presence finally behind me.

"Mr. Rease, Mr. Robert, Sarah." He said acknowledging each of them. Sarah's eyes lit up upon hearing her name from him. I didn't bother looking at him but to focus on the star struck looking Sarah. She has this vibe around her that is somewhat disturbing. Not because of her obvious infatuation on Alex but something more. Definitely something else. Not also because I'm jealous or something because I don't even like Alex but because- Oh gosh. What am I rambling about? Snap out of it Selena. Focus! I need focus.

Sarah glanced at me with a smirk in her lips. "Sir I believe it's time for your speech." She said looking at Mr. Rease.

"Thank you Sarah." Mr. Rease started to climbed to the stage but turned to looked at me. "Selena."

"Yes sir?"

"Your joining all the sports event and Ms. Masquerade ball." My mouth hanged open at the bomb that Mr. Rease just drop.

"Shit." I muttered under my breath. Alex looked at me amused while Sarah looked at me murderously. Mr. Rease went to the center stage and address the crowd of students and made his prepared speech. While Sarah stormed off going I don't care.

"Well, well, well it looks like your going in the paper after all. See you at the pageant. I'm covering it for the paper."

Groaning, "This is the worst punishment ever." My face crunched up, pursing my lips in irritation and annoyance while Alex laugh his heart out started walking away.

"I think the pageant will be interesting this year." He said flashing me his dazzling smile and wave goodbye.

But all I can think about is, I need to talk to Sam.


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God speed :)

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