Anjel's Gifts

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I had unknowingly decided that I wanted to keep her.  Initially, I merely wanted to investigate my feelings further.  There was so much I didn’t understand.   So much concern that she brought forth in me.  In my experiences, I had come to accredit myself with a superior understanding of the world.    Humans were such an insignificant part of that knowledge that I hadn’t bothered to observe them in any way less than predatory.  Generally, they all act the same way, with various diminutive differences among them, adjusting their behaviors in conjunction with the habitual cycle of change in the universe.  They are no more sophisticated than the animals they call wild.  They would have been better off remaining in the Dark Ages.  I pity their struggles to coexist amongst themselves.  Eons of warring over petty religions, squabbling over money, and killing for power have degraded their kind.  The lot of them, a cankerous infection on the Earth.  Little are they aware of the beings that are truly responsible for the epic discoveries in technology and the sciences.  If it weren’t for those of my kind who dare to associate with and live amongst the humans, they may very well have been living in a mediocre, medieval world still today.

There was a time that we of higher abilities and intellect had contemplated the fate of the human race, much as I did so with this single girl in the early hours of the last day of her mortal life.  Legions of my kind gathered to debate the humans’ subsistence.  Though aware of our own need for them, many of the oldest vampires felt the need to eradicate their actuality; they suggested concentrations camps for easy access to our most valuable commodity.  Others were quick to protect the sanctity of human life, feeling more akin to them than we should.  They fought for the humans, believing that the natural evolution of humankind would someday prove to be vital to our own existence.  Of course, they were correct in thinking so.  We are an advantageous breed, having the good fortune of true soothsayers able to enlighten us on our decisions before they are made.  Still, the eldest of the elders were not convinced.  They could not see that humans would cease to procreate without their social environment intact.  They refused to show a weakness for humanity.  The rift among us nearly brought forth a war of our own, until I cared to involve myself with the trivial matters they were so affected by. 

I am the only one of my kind with the gift that was given to me by Azoroth, my maker.  The two of us could have dominated the world, and that was his plan.  My agenda, well hidden from him, was quite antithetic from his.  He was stricken with a thirst for power that scaled far beyond his desire for blood. He would have desecrated our race along with the lowly humans, with me at his side of course.  He couldn’t do it without me.  He spent his entire immortal existence searching for and training me so that I could aid his eternal takeover.  When I deciphered his teachings, when I cracked his theories open like a fragile egg, I knew I would have no part of his realm.  His omniscience died when he succumbed to my power.  He had drastically mistaken my ability, a fault that cost him everything.  I had been careful not to think of my discretions; his mind was a formidable opponent.   He never allowed a break in his armaments.  He was an impenetrable force, except when enthralled with brainwashing me, his lone  apprentice.

 Azaroth was capable of mind melding.  He could take over and contort any being’s mind he coveted.  Every vampire I’ve acquainted was succeptible to him, save for the elders that created him.  Born of four vampires, rather than one, he harvested the strongest of lineages.  He could not control those who made him, but he soon learned that I could.  He planned to use me for his own amelioration, then dispose of me as feverishly as he had created me.  I would be no one’s pawn.

We had travelled deep into the caverns of Sarma of the infamous Caucuses range to do our bidding. It reaches far beyond the nearly 6000 feet explored by humans.  The insurmountable heat billowing in the depths of the hollows would have caused our internal organs to exacerbate, if not for our lack of them.  We had taken the spelunking as a precaution to secure his plan, which only aided me in his takeover.  He knew so little of the mastermind he had instilled in me. My brute force, though quickly surpassing his own, was not enough to relinquish his power.  I had to be patient. I had to wait for the precise moment in which we were mentally in sync.  Once he locked into my cognitions, he was at his most vulnerable.  We would take up camp and begin the ten hour practice of becoming one mental force once we reached the inner caverns, those never touched by humans. 

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