He was trying to get what is mine. Not his.

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Cassidy's POV

After the little episode with Carmen, I decided that I needed and deserved a break. So, I grabbed my phone and texted my best friend from high school, Jared. He called.

"Hey, Jared! How are you?" I asked, happy to hear from him.

"Oh... Good. I met my mate!!!" He screamed. I screamed, too.

"When do I get to meet her?!" I asked.

"Well," he said after a long pause, "It's a him."

"Oh my gosh that's awesome!!!" I said. I always knew he was gay.

"Really?" He asked. I think he thought I'd disown him or something.

"Of course. When do I get to meet the lucky fella?" I asked.

"Oh... Um. Today at the mall if you want." He said.

"Good because I have big news to tell you." I said.

"See you in 5?"

"You bet your sweet little ass." I said.

"That was weird. You're wierd."

"So are you." I said before ending the call. I brushed my hair and braided it. I slipped on an oversized long sleeved, black leggings, and black heels. (Picture) I grabbed my purse. I adjusted my glasses and went downstairs.

"Bye mom! Going to hang out with Jared!" I said. I don't think she heard me so I left a note.

***Time skip brought to you by my magical author powers***

I met Jared and his mate in the food court. His mate is adorkable. I wished my mate was as nerdy as I am. Jared's mate's name is Alex. He has dark grey/blue eyes but are shielded by thick, black glasses and he was wearing a minecraft t-shirt. Adorkable. I also explained the situation to him.

"I love you! You are soooo adorable!" I squealed. Alex blushed.

"Th-Thanks..." He said shyly.

"Shit, bitch... That's fucking crazy." Jared said.

"No problem and I know right! Wanna go to Starbucks?" I asked them. They nodded. We walked in and ordered. As we waited, some guy came up started to flirt with me.

"Hey baby girl. Are you from McDonald's? Cause I'm loving it." He asked. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

He just came up with more.

"Do you believe in love at first sight? Or do I need to walk by again?" I giggled and Jared and Alex just laughed. After 3 more pick up lines, our order was ready. I walked back to our table and sat down. That guy came back with more and more.

"Are you a chicken wing? Cause you're hot and I'd like to eat you." I burst out laughing until I heard,

"MINE." Garet. Fuck. I saw him push the guy up against the wall by his throat.

"I-I'm sorry A-Alpha. I-I d-didn't k-know." He said. I saw him fall to the floor, possibly dead. I ran to Garet and slapped him across the face.

"What on God's green one is wrong with you?!" I screamed, causing a scene. He grabbed me and inhaled my scent.

"He was trying to get what is mine. Not his." I pushed him off and pointed at him.

"It's going to take a hell of lot more than that to make me yours. C'mon Jared, Alex." I said, grabbing my bag and coffee. We walked out. Garet grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder, making me drop my coffee.

"You're not getting away this easily again, princess." He said. Jared and Alex just stood there, laughing.

A/N hope you liked it.

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