Bet #2: Different you?

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Chloe knew if she was trying to get Luhan she have to be different

She knew EXO-M is different from the other guys, especially Luhan.

Chloe knew Luhan didn't really like her but she wanted to win the bet with her friends. So the next day. Chloe turned into a different person.


"Good morning Xiumin-sshi, May I sit here?" Chloe asked Xiumin, EXO-M comes here in the library early in the morning to read or to study.

All of EXO-M look up surprised hearing a girls voice. Xiumin was also surprised but nods, Chloe smiles and sits down beside Xiumin and Lay.

She took out her math text book and started to do her homework. Even if she's a play girl and a queenka she still did her homework and got good grades.

Xiumin looks at his friends surprised but they all shrugged it off. "Excuse me... Lay-sshi" Chloe spoke quietly.

Lay looked at her. "Uhm.. Do you know this problem? I'm having a hard time and I don't get it" Chloe  said shyly.

Lay was surprised but helped her with the equation.

All of EXO-M kept their eyes on Chloe as Lay helped her. They all thought Chloe was going to cling on Lay and call him oppa and stuff but she didn't.

Chloe know they are looking at her, that's why she kept her distance away and smile nicely.

"Do you understand it now~?" Lay asks politely and Chloe nods. "Thank you Lay-sshi" Chloe said and smiles and continued her work.

After she finished, she glances up once in a while seeing the boys looking at her but they quickly turn away once she looks up.

She looks at the clock and starts packing her things, she stands up "Thank you for helping me Lay-sshi" Chloe bows and leaves the Library.

EXO-M watched Chloe leave the Library. "Yah~~ Hyung is that Park Chloe?" Tao asked quickly. 

"Yeah. She's so polite" Xiumin said surprised.

"Hyung~! She's probably trying to trap you in her cage with her tactics. Be careful.." Chen said and they all nod.

"You know, I thought she was gonna talk to Luhan hyung cause she called him oppa" Kris said.

They nodded in agreement and gazed at the clock. "We better get to class" Xiumin said and they packed there things.

"Chloe~!" Jiyeon calls out. "Unnie~!" Chloe smiles and walks towards her friends "so how did it go?" Eunjung asked.

"What are you talking about?" Chloe asked them

"Aish~~ Is Luhan falling head over heels yet~?" Hyomin asks. 

"Nope~.. He's special. He will take a little bit more time. He and his friends are like old fashioned people, girls should only like one girl thing.. Tssk. So stupid" Chloe chuckles

"Hey I gotta go to class. I don't want my target to think I'm a bad student" with that Chloe left.


When Chloe got to class someone is already sitting on her chair, she walks up to her chair and said, "Uhm.. Excuse me that's my sit" She said politely.

"Really~?... Oh.. I'm sorry" the girl said and begin packing her things.

Then just in time Luhan came in class and sat down at his seat. Chloe noticed that the chair beside him is not taken yet.

"You know.. It's alright. You can sit here.I'll sit somewhere else" Chloe smiled and made her way to Luhan's

Luhan looks at her with annoyed eyes. "Luhan-sshi~ May I sit here? There's no more empty seats" she said sweetly.

Luhan looks around the room and sighed. "Sure." he said quietly and continued reading his book.

Chloe bows a bit and took the sit beside him, she tookher books out and waited for the teacher to come in.


Hmmm.. It's very weird. Why is she acting really nice and normal today?

Is she on pills?

She's not gona flirt with me~?  *Rubs the back of my neck*

I was cutted by my thoughts when the teacher goes inside our room.

"Good Morning class~~" Mr. Park said. We greeted him back and went back to sit.

"Okay now~ You guys have a new project" he said while holding our class record everyone just groaned in response.

O'well~! Atleast I'm a studious student and I'm responsible enough to handle projects like this.

"You will be partnering with the person sitting next to you" Mr. Park said.

What the fuck~~!! I'm totally shocked alright~~

Urggh~! This sucks.. Why am I the one that will be her partner~! ._.

I glared at her without her knowing~ This sucks~! 


Upon hearing how will the partnering will be done.. Chloe smirked and smiles like an idiot.

"You will be living with your partner for a week then switching the week after. Get to know your partners daily routine, write it down and get to know your partners better. Know their likes and dislikes. Know about the people they live etc..." Mr. Park said.

"Okay now get to work" The teacher said and he excused himself cause he'll be having a meeting with the other staff members.

"Luhan-sshi, shouldwe sleepat my house first?" Chloe asks and Luhan's eyes widen..

"Y-yah~!.. Why did you make it sound like I'm going to do that to you..." Luhan said going a bit red.

*Pervert bastard ey~?* Chloe thought and chuckles a bit.

"Oh... Sorry, I didn't mean it like that... hehehe.." Chloe bit her lips and  rubsthe back of her neck.

"We'll go to yourplace first..If you don't mind~" Luhan said..

"Okay then.. We can start tonight" Chloe said and luhan nod.

*I'll make you fall for me* Chloe thought and that made her smile




POSTED~~ Cheeeers~~ *o*




I'll love you 5 ever~!!! >_< 



I will get you, sooner or laterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon