What?! | Chapter Two

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Kim So-Eun


Soonyoung and I both exchange glances before looking back at the boss.

"Y-you have to be kidding" I say, running my hand through my hair and he shakes his head

"No, why would I be kidding?"

"Because I have no idea who this guy is" I look at him and he looks hurt "no offense" I frown, apologising to him and he raises an eyebrow in question.

"Wait, you seriously have no idea who I am?" He asks and I nod my head

"Am I ment to?"

"i thought you'd know someone else working at the company"

"What? You're from this company?" He nods slowly

"Obviously, why else would I be here?" He asks and all I can do is shrug

"I don't know" I mumble, crossing my arms and looking down to the floor. I practically hear him roll his eyes.

The boss coughs to get our attention and I bite my lip and mentally curse about how I forget he was there.

"Anyways, you both need to fake a relationship for few months, just up until Ghost finishes their 1st mini album promotion"

"that's going to be at least 4 months!" I state and pout. "Why? It's a stupid idea, we don't even know each other"

"It's to help both groups become more successful" The boss tries to convince me, but I shake my head.

"I'm going to be honest here, yeah I want to become an idol, but not by having a fake relationship! I want it to be our talents that shine through and gets us appreciated, not by this stupid fake relationship you're trying to set up!" I plead, trying to make him understand. I look between SoonYoung and the boss, by the look on SoonYoung's face, he totally agreed.

The boss let's out a sigh and shakes his head.

"you leave me no choice, Kim So-Eun, if you don't know this then Ghost's debut won't happen!"

I let out a gasp as tears start to work up in my eyes. My eyes flash to SoonYoung and he has a look of pure shock. I look back at the boss as a single tear escapes.

"You wouldn't do that" I say and quickly wipe the tear away.

"I would and you know it" The boss crosses his arms and gives me a look. "Well, that's your answer?"

"F-fine, I'll do it"  the boss smiles and claps his hand together. "But only until the 1st mini album's promotion is up, after that I'm not doing it anymore" I say as I cross my arms over my chest .

"i cant believe this is happening" I mutter to myself after storming out. I wipe my eyes quickly and rush to the elevators. I repeatedly hit the buttons, trying to let my frustration out.

"I'm sorry" a voice from behind me speaks, making me jump. I turn around to see SoonYoung frowning whilst looking down at the floor. "I'm sorry about this whole fake dating thing"

I let out a sigh and shook my head.

"It's fine, honestly, I'm just surprised they'd threaten Ghost's debut"

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