Finally | Chapter Fourteen | End

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The moon's bright light reflects on his face as he stares down at me.

I love him, but not like this.

He wasn't the one who made my heart flutter a thousand miles a minute. Who made my stomach feel like there were elephants doing the tango.

He wasn't the one I wanted...

Earlier That Day
Mae Kirsten

After I arrived home early this morning, Minji and Kat were both asleep on the couch with 50 First Dates playing in the background.

They woke up when I started to laugh at the sight of them. When they did wake up, Kat shot up suddenly and looked around confused.

"Are you okay?" I asked and she nodded her head.

"Yeah" She stretched slightly, before getting up and heading to the tv.

"I'm putting Titanic on" She said opening the DVD player and Minji sighs.

"But we've watched it already" Kat turned and pouted at Minji, still putting the film on.

"Don't diss one of my favourite films" I chuckle at this before I decided to speak.

"It's not that good anyway" Kat gasped and sent me a 'you-better-run-for-your-life' look. I take the hint and I started running for my life.

"Get back here you bish!"

Kim So-Eun

"I love you"

The lights may be off, but i knew how close he was from the way i felt his hot breath on my cheek.

"I love you too"

I can feel his hands hover over my waist as if asking permission to place them on me. The only thing i'm craving is his touch.

"Kiss me"

I whisper and he comes closer, our noses touching. His brown eyes are the only thing i can see through the darkness. Closing my eyes, I hear him chuckle roughly.

"Now why would I want to do that?"

My eyes snap open and instantly become glassy. His eyes, once soft had turned to a sharp glare.

"you pushed me away remember, told me to leave you alone"

Hiccuping, i let out a sob.

"But, i love you"

He chuckles again, taking a couple of steps back, taking his hands off me. Instantly missing the warmth he gave me.

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