Failed Attempt | Chapter Thirteen

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Shout out to angelicjeonghan because she's great and she deserves the world!
Credit to Starry Night for this photo!


☀️ Two Days Later ☀️
☀️ Lee Minji ☀️

It had been two days of constant recording sessions, dance practices and the occasional interrogation from the girls about what had happened between Mingyu and I. Kirsten couldn't help, but let it slip to the girls about her walking in 'mid-make out-session'. And with that meant, I wouldn't hear the end of it from the two other girls.

"Did you enjoy it?!" Kat asks, laying down, in the middle of the room, on her stomach as she rests her head on her palms.

"By the looks of it, she enjoyed it a lot" Kirsten giggles, she was sitting on the table on the far side of the room.

"Can you guys shut up, it was a one time, in the moment thing" I blush, crossing my arms over my chest, trying to change the subject.

"Awhh, look at that, she's blushing" Kat giggles, rolling over and sitting up.

"Maybe she secretly has a crush on Mr 'Too-Handsome-For-His-Own-Good'" Rolling my eyes at what Kirsten had said. I turn around to look at the computer and place on my head phones.

"If I don't hear it, it isn't true" I say, turning on a piece of music I was working on.

"Don't be in denial Minji!" I only just hear Kirsten. Letting out a sigh, I mumble again.

"If I don't hear it, it isn't true"


Sent- 10:00am
I'm sorry about the other day...

Sent- 10:01am
uh, not to be rude, but who is this?

Sent- 10:02am
Oh, sorry it's Mingyu.

Sent- 10:03am
Oh, well okay then, don't worry, it's fine.

Sent- 10:04am
Are you sure? I didn't intend for that to happen, I'd prefer it if we went on a date first... Then I'd be all for it;)

Sent- 10:05am
You would wouldn't you...

Sent- 10:06am
So how about it? A date? Movies + Dinner tonight at 7?

Sent- 10:07am
I'm not sure...

Sent- 10:07am
Come on, it'll be the best date you ever went on

Sent- 10:08am
One date?

Sent- 10:08am

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