Date?! 2.0 | Chapter Twelve

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❗️Unedited, also be careful towards the end of the chapter ❗️

☀️ Kat Park ☀️

The only thing that could be heard was the soft breathes of Jihoon and I, as we were laying down on the couch, my head resting on his chest.

"This is nice" I mumble and he hums in response.

"It is" Wrapping his arms around my shoulders and shifting his weight, he causes me to fall back into the couch with him leaning over me.

Looking up at his brown eyes, I giggle as he sticks his tongue out at me.

"I wish we didn't have to hide" I sigh and he frowns slightly.

"Me too" He uses his hand to move some of my hair out of my face and smiles again. "Have a mentioned how much I like your hair colour like this?" I giggle and nod

"Maybe a couple of hundred times"

"Good, because I love it" He says as he starts to lean in, making me smile.

"And I love yours too"

"Thank you"

When he was about to close the gap between us, the living room door opened suddenly causing us to jump.

"Where's-... Crap sorry for interrupting" I look back, to see So-Eun. Letting out a sigh, I sit up and grab Jihoon's hand.

"I don't know where Minji or Kirsten is, come on" I say turning my attention to Jihoon as I lead him up to my room.

Once we enter my room, I shut the door behind us leaning against it.

"You're still not talking to her?" Jihoon asks and all I can do is shrug. "I thought you made up"

"We did, but now she's acting all more mother like than usual"

"What happened?" He asks, holding his hands out for my to hold. Once I do take them, he pulls me closer and wraps his arms around my back, still holding my hands.

"We went out for food, I was texting you and she started questioning me about it and about what's ever is going on with me she should know about it" I take a breath before continuing. "I got annoyed, so I said stuff and left"

"What did she say?"

"She basically asked why I didn't tell her and how she should know these things" I say looking down to the floor.

"And what did you say?"

"I said that why didn't she tell us about the her and Hoshi situation and that I don't need to be babied"

"I thought you were okay with what happened between her and Hoshi?" I nod as he says this, but can't help, but let out a sigh.

"I am, but it still hurts she didn't trust me to tell me, how can I tell her about us if she can't tell me about fake dating Hoshi"

"Well it's in the past now, you shouldn't let it hold you or your friendship back and she's only trying to look out for you"

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