Chapter 15

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"Harry, please?"


"Just one last time, please!"

"Niall," Harry laughs, "I'm not doing it again."

"Por favor?" Niall widens his blue eyes and protrudes his bottom lip.

"I'm glad you know your Spanish, but the answer is still no."

Niall pouts for another second before he thinks of something else, "What if I do something for you?" Niall wraps his arms around Harry's shoulders, "then will you do it?"

Harry smirks, hands reaching for Niall's hips, "What kind of something are we talking about?"

Niall smiles, leaning down to kiss Harry on the lips, "You have to do it first to find out," he whispers in his ear.

Harry sighs but gives in, "Fine," he says, moving his hands over his face and hiding what he's doing from Niall.

Niall sits waiting on Harry's desk, a smile growing on his face and a giggle slips past his lips when Harry finally removes his hands from his face.

His lips are pressed together but pushed out and he bugs his eyes out a little bit, trying hard to look in different directions.

Niall throws his head back in laughter, almost falling backwards on Harry's desk. "You, y-you look like a frog," he gasps clutching his stomach, as Harry rolls his eyes at his boyfriend's ridiculousness.

Niall is sat on Harry's desk with Harry seated on his chair right in front of him. He picked Niall up from school and brought him straight over to the company for a while just so they could talk. But Harry knew once he showed Niall he could pull that face, he would be asked to do it all day. He's smiling as well, but Niall's loud laughter is ringing in his ears and he's a hair short from being annoyed.

"Well, where's my reward for making a fool of myself?" Harry reminds him, "Hope you weren't lying." His eyes rake down Niall's seated body and simple outfit.

Niall sits up straighter, swinging his legs that hang from the desk. "I didn't think you'd do it, so I hadn't planned this far."

"You little snake," Harry grips onto his thighs, "but we have to do something now."

"Like what?"

"I don't know, but these," Harry hooks his finger in Niall's jeans, "need to go."

Niall situates himself on the desk, and Harry stands up to get a better grip since he's fumbling with the front of Niall's pants.

"You're killing me with these jeans, doll," Harry groans as he finally unbuttons them. "Where are the pretty skirts you always wear? They're easier to get under."

Niall blushes, helping Harry push down the rough fabric, "I just wanted to wear pants. 'M trying something different. That okay?"

"You look good in anything, babe, you've got the ass for jeans." Harry smirks when Niall's blush deepens and he throws an arm over his eyes.

He's got Niall's tight jeans past the swell of his ass, exposing his pink satin panties and his hands skim his backside where he can feel that these aren't just full panties.

"A thong, huh?" Harry arches his brow, removing Niall's arm so he can see his face. "I'll never understand why you wear such sexy underwear to school."

Niall's still flustered, even more so, but he still rolls his eyes, "I only wore them because I knew I was coming here afterwards."

Harry tries not to smile, but he fails instantly. "They should have warned me about you," he teases, "you're not as innocent as you play yourself out to be."

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