Chapter 1 - Hello, I am Vav

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Gavin's pov

After a good day of crime fighting and after another battle with HIM I change out of my Vav costume and I get back late. I try to sneak quietly not wanting my wake up my roommate but when I turn around I see him rummaging around in the fridge. Ryan looks up at me and I see he has a bruise on his cheek and a small cut on his chin. Worried I walk over to him.

"What in the bloody name of the queen happened to your face?!?" I ask, he looked kind of flustered and stumbles over his words as he says "uhh... I fell"

"How did you manage to do that you fluff nugget?" I ask him.

"I'm tired can I tell you tomorrow" he pouts.

I sigh "fine but let me help you with your eye" I say grabbing a ice pack and wrapping it in a thin towel. I walk up to him and and very gently put it on the bruise. I look into his striking blue eyes and feel like I like he can see right into my soul. He looks at me for a moment rather softly but then his face gets stern and walks away holding his ice pack. I just stand there.

You may expect some sappy story about how I have loved Ryan since I first saw him. How his eyes looked into my soul and I was in love. But that's not quite what happened. I was with my friend Michael who used to live here with me. He moved in with his girlfriend but decided to help me find a new roommate to split the bills with me. I'll save you the boring story where Ryan responded to my add and he decided to move in. At first we didn't get along perfectly. Ryan made nice dinners but I would just grab a pizza on my way home not knowing about it. He would take a long time in the bathroom and he said that I hogged the TV but now we work like a clock he makes dinners on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday and I would grab take out or pizza the other days. But he still has weird anger outbursts or strange mood swings but all in all I have learned to appreciate him and to love him. Not enough to make it known to the would but enough to want to protect Ryan from HIM.

HE is a heartless basterd who only cares about himself. HE wares a mask talks in a deep voice. HE has black eyes that can see into your soul and HE killed my partner X-Ray. I swore to X-Ray that I would avenge him, and kill HIM. I hope to keep that promise until I die making sure that Ryan and everyone else in this world is free from HIS terrible reign of power. I don't know where HE came from but I do know that I must stop a HIM, and I'm the only one that can do it.

I'm gunna try to quickly finish this story so if at any point I haven't updated it in a while just start yelling at me

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