5: Fan Girls!

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After they had taken care of the dishes, Manuel went upstairs to get his car keys. He saw Itsuki in the bathroom, looking at himself in the mirror, making sure he looked "dignified". Manuel just smiled and got his jacket from the spare bedroom. He didn't know why, but he had a strange feeling that something was going to happen tonight, and he wasn't going to like it.

"Ready to go, you two?" Takumi asked Akio and Reina when they got back downstairs.

"Yep." Akio and Reina said.

"Alright, we're off then..."r

"Actually, I think I might like to go along." Bunta said. "Been a while since I've seen a good race on Akina."

There was silence. "O-kay..." Manuel said. "Well, we'd better get going."

With that, they exited the Tofu shop, and got in their cars.

Later, on Mt. Akina

As the 86, Devil Z, Manuel's Focus, and Reina's R-32 drove up Akina, they noticed that a lot of people were packed on the sides of the mountain tonight. It was quite a scene of fans.

When they got to the top, The Takahashi brothers were there with the Night Kids, and Team Emperor! As the three cars pulled over, there was a lot of murmurs in the crowd and eyebrow raisers.

"Okay, I'll bite: What's going on, Ryoske?" Manuel asked the elder Tahakashi.

"Apparently your reputation precedes you." Ryoske said, as a lot of fans, were behind him. "Kyoichi Sudo wants to see your skills. He wants to race with you."

"Ugh!" Manuel sighed. He knew something this would happen sooner or later.

"Don't tell me you've turned chicken, Speed Master!" Kyoichi taunted. "Besides, I want to make sure the title is in the hands of someone with pride, and not just some lucky punk!" That's when everyone in the crowd went silent. Itsuki, and Iketani started to inch away from Manuel.

"You didn't know?" Kyoichi said to the crowd. "This is the Speed Master from America! Manuel Vernandez!"

And at that moment, all hell broke loose. A lot of high-pitched screams were heard the first moment, the next moment a large group of young women were streaming from the crowds towards Manuel like kittens after yarn!r

"ACK! DAMMIT!" Manuel screamed as he was instantly mobbed by the women! They were pulling him every which way, some were even trying to pull off his clothes!

"HELP MEEEE!" Manuel screamed, trying with futility to get out of the crowd.

"I GOT HIS HOODIE!" A woman yelled with glee, waving the article of clothing around.

"OH, THIS IS A DREAM COME TRUE!" Another squealed, smothering Manuel.





Manuel panicked on hearing that last comment. "WHAT?! NO, NOT THAT!!" He screamed.

Akio reached into the crowd, and with some reluctant help from Itsuki and Iketani, managed to pull Manuel out of the crazed mob of fan girls. All while Bunta recorded with the camera, and Reina watched, taking notes. Kyoichi and the Takahashi Brothers, along with the Night Kids, were stunned, left blinking. Takumi dragged Manuel to his car, to safety and away from the fan girls.

"Welcome to Japan." Bunta said, laughing with a smile as Manuel got in, pointing the camera at him. "How is you fan base by the way?"

"U-g-h, crazy..." Manuel said, dazed and dizzy. He then noticed that a tuft of his hair had been cut! One of them actually cut his hair!

He prayed it wouldn't be like this everywhere he traveled. It took a few minutes for the Night Kids and Team Emperor to get the crowd under control. Then, Kyoichi walked up to the window. Manuel rolled it down.

"Sorry about that. The title does have a bit of a... massive effect on car and race fans, especially here in Japan."

"Indeed." Manuel replied. "So, why don't you think I'm worthy of the Speed Master title?"

"I didn't say you weren't worthy. Yet." Kyoichi explained. "I just want to make sure the title is in the hands of someone who knows respect, and will take this seriously, and not some punk who just got lucky with his tune."

Manuel gave Kyoichi a look of annoyance, but understood what he meant. "Alright. I'll race you." Manuel said. "I Just hope your Evo III is up to the challenge."

Kyoichi scoffed. "This is exactly the attitude I was afraid of. Disrespectful and cocky..."

Manuel got angry. "Oh really? Look who's talking! If I recall what Takumi told me, this is the same attitude you had with him and the Akina Speed Stars, along with the RedSuns, so don't pull this high-and-mighty crap!"

Kyoici wasn't amused. "You clearly don't know what you are up against, kid. Plus, if Takumi told you everything, you would know My Evo III has 350 Horsepower, and an Anti-lag Misfiring system. I highly doubt this glorified piece of fruit can compete with that."

Manuel hated it when people insulted the car his brother had built. Now it was personal.

"You'd be surprised at what's inside this 'glorified piece of fruit' Kyoicii." Manuel replied coldly. "Or better yet, I'll just show you." He popped the hood, got out of the car, and lifted the hood to reveal the supercharged V8 Cammer crate engine.

Kyoichi's eyes widened in surprise. The crowd that could see the engine gasped.

"What the hell is that?!" Kyoici exclaimed.

"Supercharged V8 Cammer. With 655 Horsepower on tap!" Manuel said, still angry. "A gift from my brother that I had to complete after he died! I completed this car, and raced the Speed Master competition in it, to honor him! To keep his name, and his good deeds alive! More than one person has put blood, sweat and tears into this car! I highly doubt you can say the same for that Evo III of yours!"

Kyoichi was surprised more so at the fact that Manuel could drive a car like that and survive! He could now see why he beat Yuya.

"Very well. I get what you are getting at. But just because you have 655 horsepower at your disposal doesn't mean you've harnessed all of it to your advantage. I still want to race you, and see if you really have what it takes." Kyoichi clearly wasn't about to back down.

Manuel sighed, still irritated. "Alright, Fine. But don't say I didn't warn you."

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