15: The Roads We Drive

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One hour later...

Manuel drove with the Biker Bros in his car to the Kirafuda estate. Stoker and Spitfire decided to ride with Takumi, guessing that Manuel would want to spend some time catching up with the others. Besides, Stoker needed to catch up with his daughter, and there wasn't room in Manuel's car anyway.

"So, Manuel's car got upgraded by this Kitami Jun, otherwise known as the 'devil's tuner'?" Stoker asked.

"That's right," Takumi said. "He doesn't have a sense of the word 'safety' though, and that concerns me if Manuel plans to continue to race. He put high-performance racing parts in that thing, along with making the body feather lite, and with its engine upgrades alone, the Focus tops out at over 750 horsepower. It's become a savage beast..."

"Sounds like overkill," Stoker said. "...But I can understand why he did it if he wanted to save us."

"So do I," Takumi said. "I have a feeling he would have done that for any of us. But why did he have to go that far?" Takumi gripped the steering wheel in anger, his face twisting into a glare. "I know his options were limited, but going that far?! Upgrading his car to dangerous levels?! He could have died tonight!"

Stoker looked at Takumi calmly. "Ask yourself this, Takumi: What would you have done, if you were in his place?"

Takumi was silent. He couldn't think of anything Manuel could have done differently. He couldn't go to the police, they'd think he was crazy. He couldn't negotiate with Kaido either, he knew that wouldn't have gone through no matter how much he tried.

"...I guess maybe he couldn't have done anything different." Takumi said. "I just worry because he's my friend. I don't want him to die in some inferno, just because he lost control. That car is dangerous to race now! I'm not even sure if it'll be drivable on Akina, Bogus, or any pass for that matter! It's just too dangerous now..." Takumi was starting to cry, tears rolling down from his eyes. "I don't want him to die. Not while he's racing..."

"Takumi, listen to me," Stoker said, putting a hand on Takumi's shoulder. "Whenever you get behind a wheel of any car, there's always a risk. These are not toys, and I'm sure Manuel understands that well, even more so after tonight. Even you take risks when you get behind the wheel. We all take risks that way, regardless of it being a car or motorcycle. You can try to take measures to decrease the risk, but it will always be there, no matter what. You just have to let it go. We all choose our paths, our own roads to drive. You can't change that, Takumi. No matter what you do, you can't change someone else, or the road they go down. Also, think of it this way: what if Manuel wanted to change your road because of the way you drive? I know you wouldn't like it if he tried. But he wouldn't be able to stop you, just like you can't stop him. I know it hurts, but don't let it discourage him, or you."

Takumi sighed. Stoker had a point. "Well, what can I do?"

"Stick by him," Stoker said. "That's the best thing you can do. Don't let the matter, whether it be speed, horsepower, or anything else separate you. You guys have known each other for over two years now, and I can't imagine anyone else he'd rather have as a wingman, regardless of the racing course or car he drives."

Takumi sighed, looking at the blue Focus out in front of his eight-six as they drove through the city of Tokyo. By now it was pretty late, and traffic was letting up some. It wouldn't be long before they would be at the Kirafuda estate.


"So, you guys must have been back for a while, to get yourself in that much trouble," Manuel said as he talked with Throttle, Modo, and Vinnie.

"We've been here for about six months." Throttle said. "That's how long it took us, between interference from new and old enemies, and tracking down Stoker to get a new regenerator. I... Didn't want you involved because of the dangers."

"I suppose this is the part where I'd say, 'you could have called or something' but I'm not going to go there," Manuel said, surprising everyone. "I'm sure you had your reasons, Throttle, and I respect that. Besides, it's done now." Manuel gave him a warm smile. "It looks like my brother is watching out for both of us, these days..."

"You could say that." Throttle said, remembering his near death experience.

"Well, let's save the victory bash for when we get Carbine and Charley back," Vinnie said. "With Yuya's help, it'll be easy enough."

"You sure we can trust him, Manuel?" Modo asked. "He was your rival, you know."

"He was under pressure from his father to build a lasting legacy," Manuel answered. "I'm sure he hated every moment of it, no matter the fame or fortunes he got from it. I'm willing to give him a last chance. Kaido, however, Is a different story."

"Where do you think Yuya will go?" Modo asked.

"I was thinking of offering to move him and whatever belongings he can pack into his car or shipping containers to the states. It may be a long way from his homeland, but that might be a good thing considering Kaido's possible influence."

"Sounds good, I guess," Vinnie said.

Manuel then put a hand on Throttle's shoulder, smiling.

"I wish it were under better circumstances, but it's good to see all of you again."

"Likewise." The Biker Mice replied.

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