Chapter Three

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"Camz! Your phone keeps buzzing" I hear Lauren groan as she flips over in the bed and kisses my nose, making a 'boop!' Sound.

I yawn and give a weak grin, opening my eyes and finding Laurens lips. I decide to make this kiss very passionate and Lo wants more, but I pull away.

Shawn Mendes:
Hey Camila, you up? ;)

Shawn Mendes:
I am now :/ you made Lauren wake me up stupid

Shawn Mendes:
Sorry! Haha I was wondering if you were able to come down to the cafe this afternoon I need to talk with you.

I scratch my head. What does he want? I must confess, Shawn is kinda cute but I love Lauren. Even if she has been quite bitchy lately.

"Who was it, babe?" Lauren puts her arm around my waist and gives me a squeeze.

"Just Shawn Mendes. He wants me to meet up with him at the cafe down the street. I'm guessing it's the cafe down the street because he just said the cafe which is kinda weird but-"

"Camila, calm down." Lauren kisses my cheek before lifting herself up, and off the bed. "He probably just wants to talk about life or something. We both know he doesn't really have anybody to talk to down here."

I giggle before nodding my head in agreement. I get up off the bed just as dinah bursts through the door.

"Guys! Makeup and hair wants us down in like - Woo gurl! Get some clothes on Mila! I did not need that image in my mind." Dinah covers her eyes and focuses on Lauren, who already has her clothes on.

"Maybe you should knock, idiot." Lauren snarls and picks up her bag, standing up straight before walking past Dinah. "Meet you down there, Camz?"

"Yep!" I yell as I struggle to get my pants out of my bag.

"Did she just call Queen D an idiot? BYE FELICIA!" Dinah yells down the hall and laughs "but seriously, ever since the c word drama she's been really bitchy."

I roll my eyes "trust me I know."


My makeup artist won't shut up! I've been texting Shawn for the last hour telling him all about her annoying voice. He doesn't seem to mind my sillyness.

"Hey, babe, I'm done with my makeup." Lauren walks in and I look her over before focusing on her face.

She looks beautiful as always, the makeup just adding that extra glam.

"I wish I was done" I roll my eyes and my annoying makeup artist scolds me.


An hour and a half later, I'm done. I decided just to put my hair in space buns for the interview.

This is probably going to be one of the most stressful interviews the girls have had. Ally and Normani don't really have anything to worry about, because they were good last month. But Lauren, Dinah, and I have to explain our business at the club and the kiss. I'm probably going to die to be honest.

We finally arrive at the large building and Francis prepares us

"Okay, you two, I want you to be as honest as possible without coming out or exposing your relationship. Dinah, just tell the truth and be serious." Lauren sighs and pulls out her phone, opening tumblr, a natural stress ball for her.

The van doors open and we are greeted by screams and flashes. I squeeze Laurens hand before stepping out after Normani and Dinah. I hear a few high pitched screams of Harmonizers and a couple Paps but I ignore them. Ally steps out behind me and takes a few photos before running inside. Lauren has shades on now as she walks undisturbed past the hollers. Everything will be better after this interview.

"Rolling in five... four... three... two.."

I:"Hello, Viewers! It's me Gale Gadsden with Hottywire and I'm with Fifth Harmony!" We all smile and wave at the camera. I try my best to hide my anxiety.

I:"So, sorry Normani and Ally, but I really only have questions for these three." Gale points in our direction and I smile and raise my eyebrows.

I:"so, around last month, before the 5H2 tour ended- or,pardon me, took a break, photos surfaced of you three at the club neon in New York. Aren't you and Camila underage, Dinah?" Dinah laughs

D:"yes, we are underage, but we hadn't had any drinks that night. I don't think Lauren did either, right?" Dinah panics but I thank God that she's good at lying.

L:"of course not! I would never want to show up to a concert hungover haha!" Ally laughs to break the tension rising in the room.

I:"then what can explain the #camrenkiss ?" Gale stares straight into the camera and makes a hashtag sign with his fingers

C:"oh! That was a stupid dare! I don't think that will be happening ever again. I mean, I liked-"

L:"That won't be happening again.." Lauren rolls up her sleeves and scratches her arms.

I spot Francis in the back, waving his arms like a madman. I nudge Gale and give him a desperate look

"Alright guys! That's all the time we have for tonight! Be sure to buy 5H2 on iTunes and buy tickets to the 5h2 concert, returning this Sunday right here in Miami! Rumours have it Shawn Mendes will be opening!" Gale stands up and shakes our hands before clearing his throat

"Al-ight thanks girls, see you next year!" He suddenly has a Scottish accent. I jump. Normani and Dinah break out laughing as I fall into Ally's arms "Thank you, allysus."

"What was that! All I heard was lies!" Francis storms up to us, pulling his hair.

"I panicked!" Dinah gasps, surprised by this side of Francis.

"You'll be panicking soon, when the interview comes out. Thankfully well be out of here by then and in South Carolina. And Lauren! You can't just snap at the interviewer!" Lauren crosses her arms

"Well Camila was about to let her sexuality slip! 'I liked it?' You're lucky I cut in" I and Dinah gasp

"How do you know I was going to say that! You've been such a bitch lately, Lauren! I'm going to meet up with Shawn!" I grab my coat and storm out, dialing Shawns number as soon as the door closes.


"Hey Shawn, it's Camila. Do you still wanna meet up at the cafe down the street?" I wipe a tear from my eye

"Sure! Let me just pack up a few- are you okay Camila? You sound upset." I roll my eyes. Be a good actor for once in your life

"Of course! Could you pick me up? I'm at the Hottywire building."

He laughs "No problem! Be there in five"

I hang up and wipe my eyes again. I should go downstairs before any of the girls starts looking for me.

Shawn is the only one who cares about my feelings. He's the only one there for me. Not even Lauren. What's going on?


YAY!! This was a long chapter, 1200 words! The longest I've done yet! Thanks for reading and I hope you have a great day/night!


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