Chapter One

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My vision is hazy, but I know that I'm somewhere with a lot of people. My eyes dart from person to person.

"Where the hell am I?" I groan and rub my eyes. I feel tired, like I need rest. There is a sudden hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, Camila. Get up, it's DJ. You passed out so I brought you into this booth." She squeezes me once before trailing her hand down to my hands, which are on my lap. "Let's go."

"Where's Lauren? I attempt to think back to when we first came to the club. Was she even with us?

Dinah gives me a concerned look and adjusts her dress "she didn't come with us, mila. You know that she wanted to devote this week to writing new songs, which I don't understand. Like have a little fun, Lauren. Your gf wants some action too." She sticks out her tongue and makes thrusting motions. I groan

"Dinah! She's not even here!" I slap her arm and she cowers away, acting hurt.

"She's on her way though." Dinah mumbles out.

"What?" I perk up and try to hide a lopsided grin. Dammit, I must still be drunk.

"You texted her. Not me this time, for reals." She puts her hands up in the air, shaking her head. "You were totally wasted and this guy kept grinding on you, so you texted her that you might get some action with him. Hide that grin hun, cause you blinged the wrong hotline." I roll my eyes. "Was I seriously so drunk I thought I was straight?" I begin to laugh but I'm cut off by yelling outside.

"Either Lauren is here yelling at paps or yelling at guys, probably the latter." Dinah shrugs. "You should find her before management has to write an essay for an apology. "

I groan and try to stand. Man, these heels are killing me!


"Laur!" Is all I manage to yell before grabbing her arm

"Get the fuck off me! This idiot has decided to try and steal my date!" She seems rabid, ready to kill. I shakily place my fingers around her face

"I'm right here, ba- Lauren." Shit. I almost let it slip. Good save, but right now focus on her.

Her eyes are darting around the smoking area, and I can see flashes from cameras. I can see her hesitation. She never wants to back down, but this time she had to. Unless she wanted everyone in all of New York and probably the world knowing about out very secretive relationship. She looks into my eyes very deeply, and I look away.

"Are you drunk? Is that why-" She looks around before leaning into my ear.

Just like at the party.

"Camz, we need to move." She whispers before adjusting her hair and walking into the club. I have to act shocked.




I put on the fakest grin possible. "Sorry, guys, but no to all of your questions. I um- I have to go now." I slur out and look at my phone, pretending to get a notification. I stumble back into the neon coloured club. God, I just realised how harmful this is to the eyes.


Eventually, I find Lauren at the VIP lounge sitting with Dinah. She looks up from her phone and stands, extending her arms. I welcome them warmly and she kisses my forehead before sitting down.

"Ok, now that that's done... What the fuck Camz?" I know I should feel guilty but the alcohol seems to have blocked that emotion.

"I was wasted. Dinah should've told you by now." I glance at my friend, and she nods slowly, not wanting to be put into the middle of us.

"Yeah but that gives you no excuse to scare the shit out of me!" Her voice cracks and I grab her hand under the table. "I think we should go, before they find us. Call a cab or something." I move my hand around in my leather purse before landing on my phone. I need to try unlocking it at least three times before I get in, and start dialing the number to a taxi place. Lauren sighs and gets out of the booth.

"I need to use the washroom. Be right back."She fumbles around to get something out of her purse and puts it in her pocket. Maybe a tampon? Whatever. It doesn't matter. The operator asks where I am located.

"Pst! Dinah!" The taller woman is looking down at her phone "Dinah!" I finally get her attention "Where are we again?" She laughs so loud I swear the whole club goes silent. I hand her the phone as a headache overcomes me. "I need to puke."

In the washroom I find Lauren by the sink, rubbing her nose. "Hey, mama, you got a nice ass." I mock her famous interview moment as I grab her butt. "Holy shit!" She jumps back and slaps my hand. "You're so drunk, Camz. It's kinda hot." She speedily mumbles

Her pupils are so dialated.

"We should go. The cab will be here any minute." She looks around anxiously.

"Wait, babe. I need to puke." I whisper and head to a stall. "Meet you out there!"

"I hope you know you owe me later tonight at the hotel." She yells over my gags and I groan in agreement. She leaves the washroom, gently closing the door behind her.

What's up with her? She seemed so jumpy. Maybe she was high? On what though? On adrenaline. Don't be stupid, Camila. She's too intelligent to do drugs.

I stare at myself in the mirror for a few moments.

At least I think she has some smarts.


I enter the cab after sneaking out the back door. Dinah is in the front seat making small talk with the driver while Lauren is on her phone. Probably Tumblr. I try and keep focus on the buildings of New York passing by, but feel myself falling away. Lauren notices and takes my hand in her own.

"It's ok, babe. I was only joking about tonight." I let a smile take over my face and lean into her shoulder

"Ok, Lo-Lo."

The last thing I hear is her laugh at my slurred speech. She rests her head on mine and I drift away.

There it is! The first chapter! If you enjoyed it, and want to see more, vote for this fic and maybe even add it to your library! It would be an honor really. See you all soon!


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