Chapter 7

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Hey sorry been really busy! hope you enjoy the chapter!


Everyone was sitting around the table and Austin has joined us.

"You guys-" I started to say before I was interpted. The door flew open and having an unsuspected guest standing in the door.


MY dad was standing in the door way. Everyone froze but me, I knew what I had to do. The thing is is that i took to long to do it. The next thing we knew, Danny was in my dads hands with a knife at his throat. Bobbi grabbed Sophia and Austin, as I'm sceraming at my dad to let him go.

"Listen I'll let him go if you give me lucy and no one is harmed" my dad insisted.

"Fine!" i answered. Everyone else was to scared to even respond. When they heard my answer thats when they all went bumbard except Danny. I could tell he was to scared to do anything.

"SHUT-UP! I'll be fine! I'm just happy that i met you guys."

My dad let Danny go and he went rushing to his family, giving them a big hug and kisses as tears run down his face. My dad came up and touched my shoulder like he was saying-...

"Lets leave before the cops show up."

I looked at him with disgust. I then ran over to the Jacobsons. I gave them all i big hug. My jacket then felt a little heavier as i got to Austin.

"Call me when you are alone. We'll be about 40-55 yards behind you guys. We'll call the police as soon as the car comes to a stop. Now please dont do anything stupid and stay a live!" Austin wispered into my ear as he was hugging me.

I backed away i had tears running down my cheeks leaving a trail from where they had went. I looked back at everyone and they were crying a little more then me but Austin. I could tell he made the plan and didnt tell his family yet.

My dad then came and picked me up throwing me over his shoulder. I was a little scared and started having an amnisa attack. Sophia was screaming at him telling him to put me down, but Austin went over to cradel her and calm her down.

We got out to my dads car. He opened the passinger side and threw me in like a bag of potatos. I made a big oof. He went over to his side then all I knew was that we were racing out of canistota back to my death bed. I knew for sure that I was going to die today, but didnt know how Austin was planning on trying to save me with out dying.

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