Chapter 8- She has slept on Me.

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Chapter 8 - She has already slept on me.

Mia's P.O.V-

I open my chemistry notebook and start to revise the reactions of organic chemistry...

'Urghh.. its so damn boring..' I grumble under my breath trying to let it not be heard by others.

'Learn it now.' Aiden growls.

'But I can't ... Its soo confusing.. can you help me? Please!' I tried to convince him to teach me , as it was what he was appointed to do , and not order or threaten me around.

' learn these reactions within fifteen minutes . Or u face punishment if even one goes wrong.' He says , rubbing his hands in an evil manner with that ugly smirk plastered on his face.

I suddenly become tensed due to the threatening... No , I can't afford to face that again... I have to learn..

After concentrating for 15 minutes and trying to perfectly memorise the 36 organic reactions we had upcoming for our examinations for semester two , my notebook was snatched from my hands by the guy sitting beside me ... Who was busy playing songs and listening and humming them while I was learning.. that bastard..

I was shaking from fear... Literally, because his punishments caused more mental torture than physical pain...

'Recite the lab preparation of acetic acid , now. ' he demanded.

I cited whatever I had learned but forgot the balancing , so here we go.

' you dumbo.. will I balance it for you' he snarls with all the anger he could summon ... And pulled my chair close to him.. so close that each part of my body was in his touching distance... He raised his hand...

'No no ! Let me try again! No ! Please don't touch me' I shout pleading for him to stop.

"Mia ! Mia ! Wake up!  You're okay. No one's touching you." Blake's voice wakes me up from my nightmare.. they were regular when all of it recently happened but .. they had faded away... Only to start again from just today..

I rub the hot stream of tears from my cheeks and rub my now swollen eyes as I slowly open them to find myself sleeping in my seat in the plane taking the rest and support of Carl's shoulder...

If I hadn't just experienced my long lost trail of nightmares once again on the shoulder of my almost crush.. I would have blushed... hard..

"Its okay! We're here! Stop crying!" I take in Blake's concerned voice as Carl stays motionless and speechless , as in literally.

"Sorry! I 'll just be back. " i reply , remove my seatbelt and make my way to the restroom realising that I must be looking like a mess.. crying like a little cry baby...

I enter the washroom, wash my face , tuck my hair back into my messy bun , smoothen my clothes and then look at myself in the mirror seeing a reflection of the girl that left a city and school just to run away from her past ...

I quickly shake my head and say to myself , trying to boost my non- existent confidence,

'Mia! Everything's right! Everyone's nice here! You have to let the past be! Try and trust people , okay!'

I reapply my mascara and lipgloss to just make me not look gross ,
'LOL , that rhymed.'. I grinned in my thoughts trying to push away the memories of that evening...and  I make my way back to the seat seeing a scowling Carl and a grinning yet concerned Blake...


Blake's P.O.V-

She was crying... Like literally, The tough girl that I admired was sobbing beside me... What could I do... Not reach out and just wrap my arms around her ensuring her that everything will be alright .... But her words... "No ! Please don't touch me!" Just tell me not to do it although my heart says otherwise so I take the safe path and heard my brain say 'Only chose wise words and say them' ... And so I did so...

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