A Reason for Broken Wings Part Two

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When we got home I laid in bed, watching Netflix until I fell asleep.

I woke up somewhere I didn't know. It was too dark to see anything at all. It stayed like this for what seemed like an eternity. I saw a dark blue light surround me.

The light grew brighter and I was able to see things in the room I was in. The room seemed to be an art room. Markers, pencils, pens, and artwork covered the walls. I started to walk around, the light following me.

The artwork that I saw seemed strangely familiar. All of it seemed to have something to do with death. There were car accidents, suicides, shootings, and things too gruesome to speak of. All the people in them looked like someone familiar. It... it reminded me of myself. It looked like someone drew every scenario I could die in.

There was one painting in particular that caught my eye.

There were two children in the car. One is unrecognizable and the other child's face is scratched out. There was someone in the front seat. Their face is scratched out too.

I suddenly realized what this was.

Someone recreated the car accident.

It seemed that everyone was fine, just unconscious. Except for me. There was a dent in my skull from where I assume my head hit the seat. My face was lacerated in many different places, glass still stuck in some places.

What if it was only me who got hurt in the accident.

Cry would have been fine. His parents  would have never moved. He would have never been bullied.

Maybe everything would have been better if I was never born.

Dad could still be here. Cry would be better off. Mom wouldn't have depression as bad as she does now.

This is all because of me. If I was never born, we wouldn't be here. This is because I as born.

Maybe, if I just leave, nothing bad will happen.

I walked out of the room, going in random directions. Just going anywhere.

I walked up to a window and looked out. I was at the top floor of a giant building.

I slowly opened the window and sat on the ledge. I sat there for a while thinking of life without me. I imagined how everyone would react if I were to die.

I normally go through different scenarios two or three times, changing how people would react, but this time I was only able to go through once. I couldn't think of anything. All I could do was sense a presence behind me.

I jumped when someone put their hand on my shoulder.

I desperately tried to look over but my body would not move. The hand slowly started to push me.

I started panicking when I felt my body leave the ledge. I reached out to grab something.

I couldn't reach anything. I was just grabbing at air.


Once again, everything was black.

I was laying on something soft but painful.

I slowly felt the ground around my body. It felt like ... flowers?

There were many different kinds, but most were roses.

Their thorns were tearing into my skin. Every time I tried to stand up the thorns would sink deeper and deeper into my skin - yet, when I lay still my weight would sink deeper into the ground, pushing thorns deeper into my skin.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2017 ⏰

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