Nothing has ever been able to give me the feelings that the ocean provides. No one has ever even come close to making me feel so complete, and happy, and calm. But at the same time still frantic, being pushed and pulled, and absolutely terrified. Nothing could make me want to step into that grey area between being terrified of possible outcomes and the love of the moment I'm in. No one could step up to the level of the ocean.
But he's done it.
He's beautiful. Absolutely beautiful inside and out, and makes me have that complete feeling. So complete actually, that it's like my heart will explode from being filled so much. So full that its terrifying. Just as terrifying as the possible outcomes of being in the ocean and not knowing how to swim. We have the constant push and pull of our friendship on top of the new love that has been created. And the feelings when he touches me, is like the tingles and the stinging of a sunburn.
Nothing has ever compared to the ocean. But someone has finally come close.