The Pie

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You try to ignore the fact that Dean just called you hot, or that fact the he is even interested. The bartender comes back with another beer and your pie.

"Best apple pie in the world. And just for a pretty little lady like yourself, pie is on the house."

"Well thank you. That's very kind" you say, smiling. Why is everyone being so nice to me? You think. You are just wearing skinny jeans and a sweater with your hair in a messy bun.

"Hi. My name is Dean Winchester and you have pie and I'm going to take it now." You are startled, for several reasons. 1. Dean is talking to you. 2. You didn't realize he was standing right behind you. 3. He just took your pie.

"Hey! That's my pie!"

"So? You got it for free. No lose."

"Yea. MY free pie. Not yours. Mine. Now give if back."

"Make me." He say. His voice is calm, smoothe, and has a hint of amusement in it.

You lunge for the pie, but Dean raises it above his head and you crash into him. He laughs and wraps his arm around you. His arm is strong and protective. Underneath his thin shirt you feel his body, hard but amazing. His calogne is faint and mixed with the smell of sweat.

As you notice all these things, your heart rate increases. You worry that he will feel it. Part of you says you need to get away from him. But part of you says stay. You look up at him. He wears a giant white smile, with dimples. His green eyes looking at you. You blush and push away from him.

"Very funny Dean. Now give me my pie back."

"She's right Dean, you've had your fun. Just let her eat in peace." You turn to look at Sam, who is now sitting next to your friend.

"Not until she tells me her name."

So you tell him without even thinking.

"I like it. It's a cute name for a cute girl like yourself. But you don't get your pie back."

"You know what? I don't need this. Have the pie. Whatever. It's been a shitty day already. I hope your apple pie tastes good. I'm leaving." You say. You finally loose it. Remembering everything that happened to you today is too much to handle.

Your friend gives you your jacket and you two start to leave.


You stop. You just want to go home. You want it to be a new day.

"You can have your pie. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. Can you forgive me?"

You look at him and see that he is being sincere.

"It's fine. You can have it. Like you said. It was free. Enjoy." You say. And you turn and leave. The last thing you see is Dean standing there looking heart broken, holding your pie.

"You gonna be okay?" Your friend asks.

"Yea. I'll be fine. Thanks for coming with me tonight. And sorry for everything that happened in there." You say, getting into your car.

"No problem! We should do this more often! Well goodnight!" Your friend gets in the car and leaves.

You get home. All you can think about is the look on Dean's face when you left. You fall asleep. This was the first of many nights to come that you dream of him.

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