The Brother

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You wake up to the smell of coffee. You smile as you remember what has happened several hours earlier. The kiss, his warm hands on your waist, his inviting smile. He is perfect, but you realize you know nothing about him. He could be a mass murderer for all you know. You suddenly sit up. I just let a mass murderer sleep in my house!

Cautiously you go to the kitchen to find Dean sitting at your table drinking coffee. He smiles when he sees you, but soon he frowns when he sees the look on your face.

"Is everything okay?" He asks, worried.

"Are you a mass murderer?" You reply. Sure you could have been more subtle about the topic but you didn't have time to think about that.

Dean smiles, but he looks as though he is hiding something. "No. Why would you ask something like that?"

You sit down, laughing slightly. "Sorry. I was just thinking and that was one thing I thought about."

Dean got up and poured you a cup of coffee, when he handed it to you, your fingers gently brushed his. You feel your face heat up.

"You look good by the way" Dean says. He looks you up and down. You look down as well, it's then that you notice you are only wearing a tank top and booty shorts. Luckily you wear a bra to bed every night.

You feel your face heat up even more, you know that you are blushing.

"Sorry if that was uncomfortable for you. I was just being honest though." Dean says, sitting back down. You sit too, not knowing what to say.

"I want you to meet my brother. Well you already met him, sort of. He was the tall guy with the ridiculously long hair. I think you two would get along great."

You nod, "I would like that. Just let me get dressed and we can go!" Dean nods and sips his coffee.

You quickly go to you room. What should you wear? You decide on a casual, knee length dress with a cardigan over it. You also put on your cowboy boots that go nicely with the dress.

You go back into the kitchen. Dean is rinsing out his coffee cup and turns around. He stops dead in his tracks and stares at you.

"What? Is it too much? I can change if you'd like." But Dean doesn't answer. He only walks towards you, grabs your waist, and kisses you. "You're beautiful." He whispers. You continue to kiss each other for a while. Finally Dean pulls away.

"Off we go then?" He smiles. You nod as he grabs your hand. He takes you to his car. A '67 impala. A gorgeous car. After a 20 minute drive, one of which Dean never let go of your hand, you finally arrive to their house. Well its more of a hill with a door in the side of it.

"It doesn't look like much, but it's home." Dean says, almost answering your thoughts. He looks nervous.

You give him an encouraging smile which makes him relax slightly.

"I know I will love it." His smile grows and he relaxes all the way. Finally you make your way into the house. It's huge and welcoming. You gasp in awe. Dean takes your hand and leads you to where his brother is.

"Dean. Where were you? You never came home from..." He stops when he sees you. His eyes lower to the conjoined hands between you and Dean. A smile forms on his face.

"Well it looks like she forgave you then. He reaches out his own hand, you take it. As you shake hands you notice his hands are colder and less calloused than Dean's hands.

"I'm Sam. Dean's brother. I'm sorry that we upset you the other night."

You accept his apologies. So all go the the living room and talk. Many stories are passed as you get to know the two men. They also get to know you.

"So what do you guys do for work?"

The brothers glance at each other. "Um... our dad was a mechanic and so we kinda just went into the family business." Sam replies. You feel as though they are hiding something but you don't ask questions.

Just then your phone rings, you look up apologetically. Dean tells you to answer your phone.


"Hello. You don't know me but I know you. I have been watching you for quite some time. You're rather lovely. But that Dean. I would watch out if I were you. He hasn't told you everything. He is a very dangerous man. I wouldn't want you to get hurt." What he says next gives you the chills.

The man hung up. You shiver, almost in tears you put your phone away. Dean and Sam look at you, the look of worry apparent on their faces.

"Who was that?"

"Just some random creep. He said he's been watching me and that Dean was dangerous. Probably some random drunk." You say, though you know that's a lie. You are just trying to comfort yourself.

"Did he say who he was?"

"Well the last thing he said was ' If you ever need anything, just give little old Crowley a ring.'"

Sam and Dean look at each other. Fear, anger, other emotions spread across their faces.

Sam looks at you. "We need to know exactly what he said."

Worried, you tell them everything.

Dean takes your hand. It's cold and hard now. "I'm so sorry I got you into this."

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