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You wake up the next morning. Not remembering the previous day. All you can think about is the dream you had. It went something like...

Dean stopped you before you left the diner. He pulled you close. You could smell his cologne again, a soft musky smell. His green eyes seem to look inside of you, into your soul. You feel light headed, butterflies have somehow made it into your stomach. He leans in, you prepare yourself to feel his soft, warm lips on yours. But instead he goes to your ear. "I can hear how loud and fast your heart is beating. It's annoying, just like your voice. But what's worse is how ugly you are. I was never attracted to you. I just wanted your pie. Oh and your friend. Now she's hot." You turned and saw Natalie standing there. Dean shoved you out of the way and Natalie leaped into his arms. This is when you woke up.

Dream. More like nightmare. You shove everything out of your mind. After a long hot shower and a cup of coffee, you start looking for a job.

Hours have gone by and you still haven't found anything. You look at the time, mail should be here. So you close your laptop and go to get the mail. When you open the door and notice something on your door step. A pie. There is a note on it. I'm sorry. You're confused, you pick up the pie and get your mail.

You're day goes by with nothing too spectacular. The next week goes by the same. Pie, job searching, and dreaming about Dean. You try to figure out when your pie deliverer comes. One night you randomly wake up. You get up to use the bathroom when you see someone outside. You go to the door, grabbing the baseball bat next to your door. Slowly you open the door. The person is walking away, you look down and see a pie.

"Wait!" You shout, not knowing when you decided to speak. The man turns around. His green eyes look at you.

"Dean? What are you.... why?" You ask, not exactly knowing what you are trying to say.

"I'm sorry. Every night I lay awake thinking of that night. I'm sorry I upset you."

You both stand there awkwardly. Not knowing what to say. Dean puts his hands in his pockets, he starts to turn away.

"No! Please, don't go." You say, you don't want him to leave. "It's late, why don't you come inside?" Dean turns and smiles.

"I would like that. Thank you." And you both walk inside. You sit on the couch together, not too close, but not too far away from each other. It's an uncomfortable distance.

"I really am sorry for the other night." Dean blurts, breaking the silence.

"Don't be. I shouldn't have snapped at you. I was having a shitty day. But then I saw you and it made my day better cuz I find you really funny and attractive but then you stole my pie. I couldn't handle it anymore. I didn't want to leave you cuz I really like you and I don't know why I'm still talking cuz this is embarrassing..."

Dean just stares at you. Your face feels hot, you know you just said too much. Before you know it, Dean leans in. All you can think about is your first dream. But instead of whispering in your ear, he presses his lips onto yours. The kiss is soft, warm.

"I really like you too." Dean's whispers, his mouth close to yours still. He touches your waist, his fingers slipping between your shirt and your shorts.

You flinch back. "Sorry. But umm... it's just.."

"No, no. My bad. I have a tendency to rush things. I guess sex is all I know. I've never really have a real relationship."

"Well. I guess we will just have to change that won't we?" You smile. "Do you want to stay here for the night?"

"I would like that. I'll sleep on the couch."

He kisses you again, a light kiss. You go to bed, still feeling his kiss. That night you finally dream of him, but he loves you. There is no Natalie. No pain. Only him and you.

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