Chapter Five: Try Not To Not Try

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  • Dedicated to igniteyourbones, Crazychik, supernatasha for commenting <3

I was going to check out USC (University of Southern California) today along with Daniella and her new boyfriend, Blake. I find them the cutest couple ever. Blake's got that classic California surfer boy look and Dani's got the other classic California beach girl look. Blake's a year older than us, which makes him the same age as Felix and not as mature as him. Daniella has always had this thing for older guys while I prefer guys my age, like Tony. Daniella and I are planning on entering USC, so we're going to check it out with Blake driving us there.

Blake's volvo was way to small to fit me in the back seat. My legs would turn numb every 15 mintues and I'd have to move my legs around a bit to shake off the numbness.

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"Blake!", me and Daniella exclaimed at the same time.

"What?" he laughed. "I was just kidding." I roll my eyes. He just always has to find a way to make my life and Dani's miserable on car rides with his lame jokes about people at our school.

"Cassie does not look like a monkey." I stated. "You look more like a monkey than she does." Daniella nudged me. "Watch it!" she shot me an evil-looking glance. I stuck my tongue out at her and chuckled.

After Blake dropped us off, the campus was completely packed with students touring the school. Geeks, sluts and couples. Me and Daniella had to take this test to see where we rank with the other students applying as well. We walked into a classroom with desks neatly placed in 7 rows and papers on top of them.  I sat down on the first row and Daniella sat behind me. I sat down patiently while waiting for the others to arrive. When the bell rang, I immediately begin on my test.

Unfortunately, my pen runs out of ink during the quiz, and I didn't have an extra in my bag. I didn't want to turn behing me to Daniella or it would totally look like I was cheating. So I tried to motion the girl next to me if she had another pen I could possibly borrow. But instead she just gives me this 'leave me alone' kind of look. Then the stupid teacher saw and thought I was cheating. So she came over to my desk and I tried to explain to her how I was just trying to borrow a pen but she was very stubborn and wasn't listening. She was all,"We do not accept cheating here in USC, young lady" Yada, yada, yada. Then she took my quiz away from me and said,"You are dismissed."

And, really, all I had to do was go up to her and tell her what really happened. But I just really wanted to leave. I didn't even look at her as I walked right out the door. Which of course, was a really dumb-ass move, since now she probably thinks that I really was cheating and that's why I left so quickly. I waited outside the classroom for Daniella to finish her quiz. I am totally screwed. Being accused of cheating isn't really a thing that can increase my chance of getting into this school.

But, whatever. There's still a ton of other university's in California I can apply to.

The bell rang and Daniella rushed out of the classroom "Rox! What happened?"

I rolled my eyes and pulled her by her arm. "Come on...let's go." I mumbled.

I really didn't feel like telling Daniella what really happened. If I did, she would just blabber on and on about how dumb I was not bringing an extra pen for an emergency situation.We walked to the front gate and saw Blake standing in front of his car.

"Helloo Ladies." He smirked while taking off his sunglass. "Helloo boyfriend." Daniella started to get all giggly and flirty. I got in the car and slammed the car door. Hard. I crossed my arms and began to rumble on in my mind. Urgh, why didn't I just tell the teacher I wasn't cheating? What was I thinking?

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