Part 32

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Cierra POV

I don't have Jordan by my side like i always do... i feel so unprotected without him here and me knowing he's okay...

"Do you want me to look at that cut again or... are you good?" Billy asks and i shake my head.

"It's almost healed but thankyou."

We continue down the hall and make a turn. We did not expect anyone to be at the other side of the corner so we bumped into him. He stumbles back and turns.


"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS... THIS... WHOEVER YOU ARE!" I yell back with a smack.

Billy just backs away, scared of this mysterious man.

"I-I remember..."

We both turn, the stranger more shocked.

"You... remember... ME?"

"Yes... Your Johnny Roast aren't you?"


Bethany had come in not too long ago complaining she had a bad feeling too. The siblings could practically sense each other's pain! i mean if one scrapes her knee all of them would probably know for alls sake!

"die in a hole..." I hear Isaac mumble and it kinda scares me.

Jordan was right, he does mumble morbid things. Jordan would always say that Isaac would randomly yell out be quiet and shut up at times but i never knew he was right! I'm not sure who i'm more worried of now... Jordan and cierra or Isaac. Our door bursts open and Sally runs in but falls to the floor.

"Sir! It's sally!" Toast screams and runs off, probably for the aid kit.

I kneel down with Isaac next to her. She looks terrible to be honest. Her freddie shirt is torn to ruins, her pink jacket is gone, her hair is matted with some blood and she has cuts and bruises all over her. Toast comes in not too shortly after, holding a first aid kit. 

"G-Ghost! I have to tell you something" she says struggling.

"Why not later, you need help!"

"It's about... Jordan. He... He didn't survive the blow to the chest... papa didn't mean it! I swear!" She pleads ever so slowly getting up onto the couch.

Toast forces her to lay down while he goes through the aid kit. Jordan is dead! But why am i not dead? Jordan is Venturian... and Venturian is my creator... I get up and sit on the other couch. Jordan... Dead? No it can't be!

(Ghost knows! But HOW?! DUN DUN DUN!!!)

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