Part 47

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Jordan POV

I get waked up by Sam.

"We are here... but why a ghost hunting group? I thought this had to do with the acachallas?" Sam questions out loud.

"Almost Half the city is in it. Did cierra come back?" I say and Dean nods.

"Yeah she did.... I swear If she dented my car..."

I nod and laugh a bit to myself internally. I get up and out to the trunk. I lift it to see cierra asleep. I wake her up and she jumps a little.

"Jesus Jordan... I'm up..." she says after getting a bit startled.

I help her out and all four of us go to the door.

"You know you guys don't-" I'm cut off by deans quick answer.

"After what we have heard, we mind as well give it a whirl." He smiles a bit.

I sigh and knock. The door swings open to me or should i say ghost who was indeed a neko.

"Jordan! Why the hell did you do that! That was reckless!"

"Not like Bethany and i were stuck because of your demon problem! Now at least let us in before you argue!" I say and he gives an annoyed sigh.

"Fine... get in." He says and opens the door so we could all go in.

We all enter and I can almost feel Dean and sam's confusion. Ghost you can't burn? Demons? Live video games? Yeah, I can feel it.

Isaac POV

I gained control. I still hear Maxwell but at least I can say and do what I want to. I finally reach home and stumble in. i got stabbed on my side... I just barely walk in when I pass out.

Bethany POV

I wake up in an attic. I really don't know why but okay. I spot a ladder and climb down. I'm in ghosts room? I guess boxfriend has no problems with finding him.... I go downstairs and see Jordan and ghost as cats.

"Am I dreaming or are you two cats?" I say and they turn to me surprised.


"I believe that's my name." I laugh and sit down. "Who are these two?"

"Sam and Dean." Ghost says.

"Oh thanks ghost."

"I didn't say anything?" Jordan says and I give him a look.

"Jordan what do you mean?" I say and then ghost laughs a bit.

"Sorry forgot... um Bethany? Me and ghost switched body's." Gh- I mean Jordan says.

I shrug.

"Ima grab some iced tea." I say and get up.

I walk out and look down the hall.

"ISAAC!" I scream.

(I have no words.... I really don't other than that it's 11:08 at night and I have school tomorrow..... I can't sleep....)

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