Part 8

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Outside POV

The two sister took the new news from jordan well. Ghost was in his room doing research, while toast read some books. 

Jordan's POV

i got out a computer and noticed... they have gmod in gmod... i facepalm mentally while i set it up for us to play.

"Wait... they have gmod?" bethany questions while joining.

"It is pretty silly." i say and open up the normal acachalla home.

We had locked the doors and windows and made sure ghost and toast were too busy to come up.

"Isaac! you troll!" Venturian says getting blown up.

"You know i am" he laughs.

"Billy, we need to protect the bananas!" Venturian says in his papa acachalla voice.

"Okay papa!" isaac replied with a giggle in his billy voice.

"Billy sign my shirt!" bethany says in maddie friends voice.

"Noo!" isaac says and runs away.

"Papa... maddie friend is chasing billy again." Cierra says in her sally voice.

My cheeks only go pin a little since my sister is the one who is making her voice. We keep on playing and having a fun time.

Ghosts POV

I sit back and turn in my spin chair. i turn to my wall mirror and my cheeks are pink again.

"Toast..." i say and he looks up from his book.

"Yes sir?" he says.

"There teasing jordan again." i say and toast laughs.

Next thing i know we get teleported and we start moving and talk on our own. Yep, thats what happens when the gods control us... Venturian controls me and immortalkyodai controls toast. we are at some old house. Wonder what will happen... it's like watching a movie. except you are in the movie, like an extra 3-D movie.

Jordan's POV

"Sir?" cierra says giggling.

"Yes johnny?" i say back trying not to laugh.

"What level do you think this is?" cierra says.

"hmm, by the looks of the broken glass and broken windows i would say level 3 johnny." i say back.

Isaac POV

I walk down to see that ghost and toast are both gone.

"Jordan!" i say going in the room.

"What isaac?" he says back.

"Toast and ghost are gone. I think it's because you guys are role playing as them." i say and he sighs.

"Cierra let's play some other time." he says in the mic and they shutdown their computers.

Jordan's POV

"Bye isaac" i say as he leaves.

I walk out of the room and go downstairs. Ghost and toast sit there as if nothing happened.

"Hey guys." i say.

"hello sir. Do you need anything?" toast asks looking away from his book and at me.

"No, just checking up on ya. Go- isaac told me you guys were gone so i came down to see." i say.

"Oh sorry, Venturian and immortalkyodai took over." ghost says as if it's an everyday thing.

"oh.. ok.. then...." i say and back away.

Isaac was right after all. I wonder what it is like for them. I mean it probably can be boring at times, but... in some videos we die alot... i hope it does not hurt them... man! now i'm worried about them now.

"jordan!" i hear again and i snap out of it.

I look over at cierra and she pulls me into a closet.

"What?" i say.

Her eyes turn red and her clothes and look change. She looks like a total different girl!

"Wha-" is all i can say before she puts a cloth to my nose.

I black out and hit the ground.

Ghosts POV

I feel a pain go through me. As if i feel onto the ground.

"T-toast?"i say.

"Sir!" he says going up to me.

"Go check on jordan..." i say as the pain slowly passes.

Toasts POV

I run through the house looking for jordan. i can't find him. i run into him and isaacs room to find isaac playing mario kart.

"Have you seen jordan sir?" i say.

"No, sorry toast. last i knew computer room." he says not leaving his eyes from the screen.

I check the whole house asks everyone if they had seen jordan. None of them had a reply that led to him. He was missing. I run back to the living room to see ghost fading.

"Sir!" i say.

"Toast!!" he yells back before he was gone.

I got a call from gertrude.


"Toast help! papa is gone!" 

Then more calls. Turns out Papa acachalla, officer maloney, spencer, ghost, sally betty jessica, Mr.sviggles , and principle buttkicker where all missing.

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