Part 42

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Isaac POV

I watch without control of Maxwell. It isn't really that great of a sight. Mostly just pranks and sometimes kills. I'm glad he's not like Jimmy and kills everything in sight. I feel bad for Jordan... I left him in a terrible way. I hope he knows I still love him....

Ghost POV

Jimmy is a ghost that just so happened got stuck in my body... what can Jordan do? I mean Bethany is starting to really annoy him.

"Pull the lever! " he shouts at me and I look down.

Their is only one lever and I pull it. Jordan waves to me and I raise a brow. I always have let toast do the controls since I can't read the labels. I look up and see both Jordan and Bethany gone.

"Sir? You okay down their? Have you found Jordan yet?"

How am I so post to explain this?

(Thiers a chap, been a bit out of order lately...)

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