Like I Didn't Remember

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I woke up,but not completely.I couldn't open my eyes.After minutes of fighting,I opened to see I was in a weird room and I was tied to the bed post by my arms and legs.I looked around.On my right,I saw whips,chains,handcuffs,condoms,lubricants,dildos,and some weird wooden structure thing made for two people.I looked to my left,I saw something that made my heart drop.

Me and my ex-boyfriend,Jacob Perez.

~Jacob's POV~

"And let that be that last time you disrespect me!" I yelled in #15's face.

#15-Lorenzo Williams.20 years old,6'2,189 pounds.

He fell to his knees in pain.He looked up at me in anger and hurt.

"Do you understand me?" I asked.

He nodded.I hit twice in his back with my belt that was covered in needles and small knives.

"Yes!" He yelled.I went to hit him again,but as soon as I raised my arm,he screeched out, "Yes daddy!" 

"Good." I replied.I picked him up over my shoulder and walked to the bathroom.I dropped him in the tub and laughed as the rubbing alcohol seeped into his deep scars and caused him to be in severe pain.I kissed him then walked out.

"That will teach you to not pull my hair." I walked upstairs and grabbed the girl from the closet.

Chresanto August's girlfriend,Allyson Jameson.

How I know Chres? He was my first boyfriend.He taught me what love is and turned my life upside down.He made me feel so good,that I NEVER wanted to leave him.Everytime he left the house,I thought he was going to cheat on me.Which he probably was.He was my love,my everything.But one day,he said I was being too obsessive and protective.He tried to leave me.I followed him everywhere.Work,school,home,friends's houses.his mom's house,every place he went to,I wanted us to be breathing the same air.Then,he met this bitch,Ally.She enraged me.Her ugly features,and she has a personality to match.

I slapped her,then dragged her downstairs with all my other slaves.I sat her in a chair right in front of them.Their dicks got hard at attention especially since she was naked too.

"Y'all see this?" I asked them. They all nodded their heads fast.

"Who wants it?" I asked.They all shook vigorously.I laughed at them.

"Well we all know there's only one way to pick." I pulled out a bag with all their numbers in it.After rambling around in there,I picked a number out.I looked back her and smirked. #19

#19- Shawn Mitchell,22 years old,6'1,220 pounds.

This guy was nothing but MUSCLE.He was the hardest out of everybody to get.He put up the hardest fight and knocked me out a couple times.I think it took me 3 weeks to get him.But trust me,it was worth it.

"#19,today must be your lucky day." I grabbed the keys.I unlocked the handcuffs on his hands and feet and untied the ropes.He basically ran over to her.I went over to him and whispered, "I don't want you out of that room until she's torn,begging on her knees for mercy,and bleeding.Understand?"

"Yes daddy," He replied.He put her over his shoulders and ran to the nearest torture room.I heard groaning coming from the room Chresanto was in and immediately ran to it.I saw him sitting up,looking around confused.I smiled and walking in.

"Hey baby." I greeted.

He looked at me in disbelief. "Jacob? You look so different now."

"Yeah,so do you." I said,running my hands down his built body.

"When are you going to let me leave? I have a girlfriend that I-"

I heard a high picked scream and laughed,"You mean her?"

"What are you doing to her Jacob?" Chres snapped.

"Oh nothing,but she's in there getting the best dick of her life."

"Jacob leave her alone! Let her go. She doesn't need to go through that."

I shook my head. "Nopee."

"You are a sick bastard.Why do you even do this?" 

"Because you left me and I was so depressed.What else was I supposed to do? So I went out and started recruiting slaves for my own benefit.Baby I miss you." I kissed him.When I pulled away,he spit in my face.I took a napkin from my dresser,wiped my face,then threw it away.

"You know what,you inconsiderate bitch.I was actually trying to be nice to you,but since we have to go down that road." I uppercutted him hard and watched as became unconscious again.I untied his  hands and feet and dragged out with the rest of my slaves.They watched in awe as I tied his arms, taped his mouth,and sat him in the chair.

"You wanna play dirty? Well let the games begin."


Well did you like it? <<< I ask that a lot don't I? Lol

But yeah,I might update again today.So much sure you vote and comment and all and that other jizz.

6+Comments 7+Votes

Jacob is soo violent.

Also,to the right is the slave room. >>> AKA his garage. He just added extra space to it so all his slaves could fit.

And his slaves are tied to the post on the walls.If that helps...

I just want us to be on the same page.Ya Feel Me?

Also,let's use our imagination *Spongebob's voice* and say there's also extra rooms.Kay?



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