The One That Got Away.

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~Chresanto's POV~

I couldn't take it anymore.His sick games where tearing me apart.I had to leave.After he had sat down,I noticed he has carelessly sat his gun down beside him.When his "goons" and he weren't paying attention,I took it,shot him,and ran.

He screamed out in pain and yelled. "What are y'all doing?Go get him!" But it didn't matter.3 years of track and football finally paid off.I ran off into the woods and continued down the path with out grass on it.Then,I saw a lit path.I heard sirens,people talking,and little kids.The city.I'm free! I'm really free.But,I noticed I was still naked.I grabbed some random shorts from off the ground,put them on,and contiued my run.

I was free.Free from that bastard's sick slave house.I was on my own now.

I ran 2 miles down the street down the street,ignoring everybody's weird looks and glares,and walked straight into the police station.

~ #18's,Craig Crippen's POV~

Damn,we lost him.

"Aye bruh,there he is." Jerry called out to me.We both ran in direction he was pointing to.Chresanto was putting on some red shorts to leave.Jerry tried to grab him,but he was just to fast.He easily slipped out of our fingertips.

"Damn." Jerry yelled.

"Man,just come on.Lets go back." I said,turning around.

"Don't you think we should go get him?"  He asked.

"Not like this." I replied. "We'll get arrested for public nudity before we could even stick our heads."

"True,lets just go back."

~Jacob's House~

"YOU WHAT?" Princeton yelled at us.

"He was too fast and ran straight to the police station." I replied.

He roughly ran his hand through hair and started pacing back and forth. "That dumb son of bitch!"  He looked back at us.He smiled and kissed us both. "Thank you so much for all your help.You can go to the lounge if you want." Jerry and I's face lit up like a kid in a candy store.We got off our knees and ran up 2 flights of stairs.

"Wowww." We both said in amazement.

"I'll make the shots!" Jerry said,jumping over the bar.I laughed and sat at one of the chairs.

~Jacob's POV~

I laughed as Craig and Jerry ran up the stairs like little kids.

I hate his guts.

"Who said that?" I yelled out.I can hear things from a mile away.Even whispers.I limped down the line and came face to face with #12 and #14

#12-Joseph Edington,29 years old.5'11,125 pounds

#14-.Leroy Simmons.20 years old. 6 even,184 pounds.

"I did." #12 said.

"Oh really,when did you grow some balls nigga?" I asked,getting in his face. "Nigga,you ain't shit and you never will be.Got that?Let that be the last time you step out of line.I am not in the mood and I will shoot yo ass on spot." 

I spit in his face. "You disrespectful ass bitch." I limped back to the entrance.

"Look,I don't want anybody being stupid while I'm gone." I walked upstairs and put some decent clothes on.I walked out the house,locking it,making  sure to put on my motion sensors and face recognition.I walked out to my car,started it and backed out the driveway.

I really needed a drink tonight.


So what do you guys think? Ehhh...

6+ Votes, 5+ Comments for me to continue.

To the right is Jacob's lounge. >> It's purdy isn't it?

Down the road,I planned for the rest of this story to be sad and depressing so have your tissues ready!

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