Chapter One

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Harry pov:

  I awake abruptly to the loud roar of los Angeles Traffic blowing in through the window of my bedroom.

I wiggle my way out from under the blankets. I rise from the warmth of my bed, glancing at the floor before Picking up a pair of my many black skinny jeans and draping them over my shoulder. I stumble over to my wardrobe, pulling out the top drawer slowly, seizing a pair of Calvin Klein boxers and a pair of clean socks. I open my closet door, yanking a black T-Shirt off a hanger.

I hobble my way into the bathroom across the hall, flicking up the light switch allowing the room to fill with light. I set my clothes down in a pile upon the counter. Pulling back the white shower curtain, I turn on the hot water, letting it run while I strip. The small bathroom contains a full-length mirror behind the door, and so I could not escape the reflection of my naked body.

Shuffling my playlist, A man who sold the world, Nirvana. I step in allowing the hot water to hit my naked body. Fuck, do I hate work. The Annoying, clueless people, the workers, and students who come to get through class. Do they not know what Red Bull is? I finish washing and turn the knob, making the water come to slow drops. Snatching my towel off the hook, I dry off. Quickly getting dressed, I swish my hair in the mirror. After about five minutes of trying to look somewhat decent. I find myself throwing a beanie over my head. Hastily brushing my teethe, before heading downstairs. "Hey, Harry." a voice calls from the kitchen as I pass by on my way out. "What?" I ask, looking back at my stepsister, as she sat at the kitchen table. "Aren't you gonna eat breakfast? It's the most important meal of the day." she ask's, waving a cereal box up in the air. "No, I'm not. I'm already late." I reply, grabbing a banana, and turning around. "Well, let me drive you." She offers. "Look Esther, I don't need you to drive me, I have my own car. When will you understand that I...I don't like you, okay. I'll never like you. so, stop acting like you give a shit about me." I say, not even bothering to turn around and look at her, although I wish I did. "It's.. Eleanor." I hear her say as I walk away, leaving her in the kitchen.

Heading out, I open my car door, slamming it shut before turning on the radio as I take off down the street. Mornings are always the busiest at any coffee shop. The employ's rush to get the caffeine, student's heading to school, and everyone else just trying their best to fit in and do what other's do. As I walk in, I ignore the glances from the workers, as I make my way to the break room, tying my apron and sliding my phone into my pocket.

I take my place, as a gaggle of girls strut through the door. "Good morning, what can I get you today?"

"I'll have a trenta, no foam, 5-shot, decaf, no foam, Pumpkin Spice latte, with no foam." the first girl rattles. "And will all you be together?"


"That'll be $3.50." I state as she hands me a five dollar bill and I hand her the change, placing two quarters into the tip jar. "Thank you for visiting The Coffee Grinder. Have a nice day."


The day passed by slowly, a few customers here and there before my shift ends. I head into the back and my phone rings from my pocket. Fishing it out of my packet I answer, pressing it up against my ear. "What?"

"Harry! What are you doing tonight?" Niall asks from the other side of the line. "Nothing, going home to sleep, why?" I ask. "Sleep? Oh c'mon, a Friday night in L.A. and you're going home and sleep?" I try to interfere, but he continues. "All alone, with no company, in a house full of people you can't even look at. People you despise."

"Well actually-"

"Harry! Harry.."


"I have an idea." His voice raises and I could practically see a smile spread across his face.


"Let's go to Silver Reign."

"I'm not really-"

"Harry Edward Styles, Don't you dare tell me your'e not in the mood. C'mon you said you'd come with me, I'll even invite Grace. She'll come for sure."

"Fuck, fine." I hastly say, wanting him to shut the fuck up already. "Yay! We'll pick you up, we can chill out for a bit, before we head out." I agree, venturing my way back home.

It wasn't long before Niall and Grace came knocking on the door. I was in a deep nap, when They arrived. "Hey Slut." Grace says, inviting herself in and Niall follows in behind her. "Who is it?" Eleanor call's from the living room. "Why do you care who it is?" I say, before we head up to my room.


"Shall we?" Niall ask's, breaking the silence after about seventeen episodes of American Horror Stories and four bags of popcorn. "You think I should change?" Grace ask's lifting her head, looking at me waiting for an answer. "I think you look fine. You're gorgeous." I smiles, as she plant's a kiss on my cheek. "You know sometimes you make me think we should be a thing, but then I remember we both like dick." she laughs and we head on our way.


It was two a.m.  when the Silver Reign sign came into view, glowing upon the early morning pavement of West Hollywood. You could hear the roar of the music from down the boulevard, growing louder as we approach. Finally arriving Niall park's the car and we head into the club. The moment we walk through the door a single man greet's us. "What are you three looking for tonight?" He asks. "A man for each, and a lady for him, please." Grace speaks up, responding for all of us. "I much prefer a straight one, but this boy here likes his gay." she add's smiling.

"Great, i'll get him for you, just wait here." He walks away, behind a curtain. "Wow, okay it wasn't like I wanted to lay low tonight or anything." not getting the chance to reply, before the man returns, with a rather gorgeous boy following behind. "C'mon you two we'll see what we can do." The man say's once more before they walk away.

  "Hey Angel," The boy's voice is warm, and sweet and such a beautiful mixture, such a beautiful sound that I could listen to it forever. "Why don't we find some privacy." he say's taking my hand in his and leading me past the curtain.

Hey Angel, || L.S ||Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant