Chapter Seven

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*Harry's Pov*

It was drizzling out, I was In the living room, 4:52 pm When Niall, Liam, and Grace came bursting through the front door. "Harry, you little shit. Move your ass, We're going out." Grace say's, plopping herself down beside me. "Where are you taking me now?"

"Don't worry love, It's Christmas eve. Let's have a little fun shall we?" She smile's, giving me a wink. "Who's coming?" I ask, as I look at Liam and Niall as they stand side by side. "All of us, and Liam's lover of course." Niall laughs, giving Liam a nudge with his shoulder. "Fine, but no In-N- Out."

I was pushing myself off the couch, going to get dressed when a knock on the door stopped me. "I'll get it." Grace say's as I reach the stair's. "Hii.. I'm here for Eleanor."

Grace turns around, opening the door wider making it more visible for me to see. Raising her eyebrows at me, when I open my mouth but I'm interrupted. "Come in." Grace smiles, an evil I know what's happening kind of smile.


"Harry." He breath's out looking at Grace as she joins the others in the living room. "I'm here for E-"

"She's not here." I cut him off, looking down at my feet when he looks up at me. "What? We had plan's.."

"She went out with that Sophia girl."

"Damn it Eleanor, Can I use ur phone? Mine died." He step's in, and I look up at him. "Yeah," fishing my phone out of my pocket I hand it to him, feeling my skin burn at his touch. "Thank you." He smiles, as he walks into the kitchen to call, I'm guessing Eleanor..

"What was that about?" Niall asks. "Who was that?" Liam joins in. "Harry, Isn't he tha-"

"Shut up." I stop her from finishing and walk into the kitchen. "What do you mean you forgot? El, we had plan's." Louis closes his eyes, as he hangs up and I walk towards him. "Thank you again." He hands me the phone, but as he walks away I grasp his wrist stopping him. "Louis.."

"Angel." His eyes are rimmed red, and his cheeks flustered. "You guy's having fun time without me?" Grace walks in making me pull away from him. "Harry, we're leaving in five go get ready."

"Louis right? You should come, we're going to this outlet and then we're going for some drink's cos you guys look like you could use one, and Harry I know your not supposed to but I'll take care of you, so what do you say baby cakes." Looking down at Louis. "Um.. Sure, I don't have anything to do since Eleanor totally blew me off." He agrees, and I go upstairs to get dressed.

I was in the bathroom, doing my hair, when It opens out of a sudden and Louis is here. "Hey." I say running my fingers through my hair, trying to fix it. "Hey." He stands at the door way looking at me, smiling.

"Why are you smiling?"

"Your beautiful, you know." And that was enough to break me. Pulling him into the bathroom, and closing the door behind him. Pressing my lips to his, as he sits on the marble counter top of the sink. I hear small whimpers as I continue to kiss him and I pull away. "Are you crying?"

"No, I-I just."

"Louis, babe look at me. I want to fuck you right, here right now and Well Eleanor is shit for not being here. She Could've been the one here instead of me, but no. Its me. Its Harry." I wipe away his tears, before kissing him once more. "Your right." Hooking his arms around my neck, pulling me down for his lips to meet mine.

"Hurry the fuck up, Haz we don't have all.. Day" Grace opens the door, as I hold louis to my chest. "Hurry Up." She smiles, "Might want to lock the door next time." She turns around and walks away.

"Took you long enough what were you doing up there?" Liam asks as we join them back downstairs. "Nothing."

"Mhm." I here Grace mumble, but she doesn't. Look up. "Let's go."

"We're taking my car, get in." Grace says, as she climbs into her black BMW convertible. Niall sits in the passenger seat, making Liam and I sit in the back. "Well, you coming?"

"Um.." He turned to look at me.

"There isn't room Grace, I I'll take my car, and drive Louis and I." I suggest.

"Hey shut up curly, he could sit on your lap." And Without another word, Louis was climbing onto my lap and I wrap my arms around his waist, sustaining him from moving, his bum against my croch and we were on our way.

It wasn't long before the car was pulling up

A/n : Thinking of Making the next chapter just for Louis Birthday ;)) It's a little late, and I'm sorry for the wait but Tell me what you think by commenting. I hope you enjoy.

Hey Angel, || L.S ||Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant