Chapter 10

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Eleanor, "shit" Reaching over to grab the phone ringing on the night stand. "Hey, Love."

"Louis! I'm so sorry.. I.. Happy Birthday, Baby. I was so busy.. I was working over time.. And.." Harry pushes me down against the bed harshly, gripping my waist tightly and spreading my legs open. He thrusts into me suddenly, causing me to moan loudly into the phone."oh Fuck." I clench the phone in my hands, and bite my tongue, trying my best not to groan into the phone.


"Uh.. Y-yeah. I-It's okay Thank you, El" I reply as Harry Thrust's into me once more. I got over it, Harry kept me company last night and gave me the best present I could have asked for. His love.. I realized then that the one I truly loved was him. Him and only him. Harry.. "Is someone with you?"

"S-sorry.. N-No.. I'm doing.. laundry." I shudder my words. Biting my tongue as Harry continue thrusting into me.

"Since when do you do laundry?" Eleanor asks, Currousity clearly showing in her voice. "Since, now? I had a change of heart, god Eleanor people change."

"Can I help? I'm close to your place, Lou and We haven't hung out in a while. I miss you..."

"Elean-" I begin to say and she cuts me off before I could even finish. "I'll be there in a bit, Love you Lou. See you in a bit" and with that she hung up.

Harry's thrusting comes to a stop when He see's that I was no longer on the phone with Eleanor. "What's wrong?" He asks pulling me closer to him. "Eleanor, she's coming her in a bit.." I sigh, Harry still inside of me.

"Fuck, at least let me finish, baby. We're almost done here." Harry say's leaning down to press his lips at the sensitive skin just below my ear. "Please, baby." His word's begging me to let him finish. "Okay, Angel."


"Louis!" There was banging on the door. "Louis.." Eleanor yells again. Harry had just left, so I hope they didn't cross pathes, in the hall. "Louis! I know your in there.."

"Coming!!" I yell, picking up the place a bit. Throwing clothes in the washer and shoes in the closet. "Boo bear I missed you!" Eleanor squealed, wrapping her arms around my neck as I open the door. "Missed you too El.."

"I brought you a present!" She says, pulling away from the embrace and holding out a small bag. "Thank you, love." I smile, taking the bag from her hands, before placing a kiss on her cheek. Heading over to the small couch in the living room we take a seat"Louis.." Eleanor calls my name, just as I began to open the present. " What happened to your neck?"

"Huh?" What is she talking about? "Well your neck, it looks like a bug bit you." She says, pointing to the bug bite. I touch my neck with my hand, Tsk. That idiot.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Aug 18, 2016 ⏰

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