Breanna & Niall

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Breanna & Niall

This is for the lovely @MrsBreannaHoran030, a.k.a. Breanna who I love to bits. I also recomend that you go read her stories, Green, My New Home, Love Hate, and forever Lovin You, and her One shots book.

Hope you enjoy this Bre!:)


Breanna's POV

"Bre, get your lazy bum out of bed." My bestie and roomate Miasia said taking the covers off of me.

"I wanna sleep." I mumbled sitting up.

"Well you can't."

"Why not." I whined

"Because you have to go to work." She said laughing at me.

"I hate work." I said getting up.

"You work around food and coffee and you hate your work. What is wrong with you?" She asked pushing me into the bathroom.

"I'm lazy." I said before shutting the bathroom door.

"I know." She yelled, before I heard my bedroom door shut, signaling she had left my room.

I got in the shower, washed quickly and got out. Next, I brushed my teeth, then got dressed. i'm one of those weird people who brush their teeth before they get dressed when they get out of the shower. Don't Judge!

After I got dressed, I decided to put my hair in a messy bun and decided on no make-up, and left the bathroom. 

I grabbed my cell phone and my wallet, then made my way out of my bedroom.

"I'll be back around 4 Mesha!(A/N: My nickname she gave me) I yelled before I closed the door.


Work was okay so far. We didn't have a lot of customers so that was good. Someone walked into the shop witch caught my attention since I was the only one in the shop and I was bored.

"Hello, how are you today." I greeted politly.

"Great, how about you?" he asked.

"Bored." I said sighing over dramatically.

"Haha, Well maybe I can help with that." He said.

"That would be nice, but I'm gonna need you to take your sun glasses off so I can know who you are." I said, getting out my pad and pen so I can take his order.

"Promise you won't scream?" he asked.

"Promise." I said smiling. He took off his sunglasses and OMFG, it's Niall Horan.

Keep cool Breanna, keep cool.

"Your even hotter in person." I said smirking.

"Thanks, and also thanks for not screaming." He said.

"No problem, now, what will you have?" I asked him.

"How about and Iced Mocha." He said leaning on the counter.

"Coming right up." I said going to make his drink.


After I made Niall's drink and took it to him, he invited me to sit down with him, and so far, talking to him is really fun because he is extremly funny.

"So, Breanna, how is someone as funny and easy going as you, not have a boyfriend?" Niall asked, and if you are wondering how he knows my name, it's because it is on my nametag.

"Because the guys who have asked me out, I never took an intrest in." I said shrugging.

"Do you take an intrest in me?" he asked.

"Depends. Are you asking me out." I asked smirking.

"Depends. Are you going to say yes?" He asked.

"Maybe." I said.

"I'll take that as a yes." He said smiling.

"How about you meet me back here at 8." I said.

"Okay, it's a date, but can I get your number?" He asked.

"Sure." I said as I handed him my phone, and he handed me his.

After we exchanged numbers and he left, I let my inner fangirl out.

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee." I squealed.

Time to go home and talk Miasia's ear off.


Hope you like that Bre. I am kind of brain dead so that is the best I can do rigt now.

Love you.


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