Chapter 5

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Dean's POV


I waited in the Impala for Sammy to get here so we can get home. Of course, I was waiting there for 15 minutes after the bell rang. Instead of waiting there impatiently, I decided to slip in a Metallica cassette to listen to. I rolled up the windows, because no one would have enjoyed listening to this kind of music. I shook my head, as I thought of the typical music my generation listens to. Rap. Y'know what I always say? 'You can spell crap without rap.' Yup, you got that right.

I remembered my lunch break with Cas today, and how he scribbled his number on my arm. I looked down at the digits and added them to my phone. I wanted to text him now, but that would probably make me look desperate, and I didn't want that.

I waited another 5 minutes before Sam ran up, and jumped in my car. "I'm sorry, Dean, I was held up some kids. They wouldn't stop talking to me," He said. "Jeez, it was annoying." (A/N Amen to that, Sammy.)

I rolled my eyes. "25 minutes, Sam. I'll forgive you this time, but I don't know about next." I smiled and punched him in the arm playfully.

The drive home was maybe 10 minutes. Sam isn't too fond of the genre of music I listen to, so he tried to talk to me as much as he could, but I just ignored him. I knew his games. He wanted me to turn the music down, or off, but naaaah, I ain't gonna do it.

We finally got home, and I went straight to my room. It's been about an hour after schools ended, so I decided to text Cas.

To Cas: Hey. :) Its Dean.

Not even a minute after I set my phone down, I heard a ring.

From Cas: Hey, Dean. How's it going?

To Cas: Meh. Kinda exhausted from today, but otherwise goods. You?

From Cas: I'm good. I was wondering if maybe you wanted to come over to my place so we could finish the conversation we began earlier.

To Cas: Shouldn't be a problem. When were you thinking?

From Cas: Well, I was thinking now, but whenever works, I guess.

To Cas: Now should be good.

Cas gave me the address to his house, so I grabbed my leather jacket, and headed for the door.

"Ah-hem," An old, deep voice sounded. I slowly walked backwards to see what the voice wanted. I saw Bobby sitting in at his desk, with a beer in hand. "Where you heading off to, boy?"

"A... A friends house," I choose my words carefully. Cas and I weren't really friends, but saying I was going to an almost-strangers house wouldn't work.

"Which friend, Dean?" Jeez. I was almost 17 (A/N oops if the ages are off just a tad, ignore that fanks <3), the guy could give me a break. "His name is Castiel."

"Castiel? As in the new goth kid? Have you not heard what people are saying about him?" I jumped as I heard Sammy's voice behind me.

"What are people saying about him?" Bobby wouldn't leave the subject alone.

"Does it matter? I'm finally making friends, Bobby. Don't confiscate my privileges of having friends." I immediately regretted my words, but I didn't feel like dealing with this now, so I huffed, rolled my eyes and left the house as quickly as I could. I'd figure out this when I got home.

I got out of there almost instantly. Following the directions Cas gave me, I made it to his house about 15 minutes after I left mine. I sat in my car, parked a few houses from his, and tried to make myself look slightly more presentable. Not really that it mattered, I just felt like having a good impression. I grabbed a comb from the glove compartment of the passengers side, and fixed my hair a bit. I repositioned my glasses, and have myself a mental pep talk.

It's all good, Dean. So what if you make a fool of yourself, it's not like he's going to hang around you for long? It won't matter.

I hopped out of my car and began walking to the door of his house. I pressed the doorbell. Oh, my God, Dean what the hell are you doing here? This was probably just a ploy for him to murder you. You're going to make a fool of yourself. Too late to turn back now... My anxiety levels went from 0 to 10 really quick. The light on the porch turned on, so I suspected someone was coming to open the door. A short guy, who looked maybe to be 15 or 16 opened the door, and said, "You must be Dean. Cassie is just finishing up cleaning his room. You can wait in the living room right there." I thanked him and waited.

I stood there for about 2 minutes, and then I saw Cas walk down. He smiled at me and motioned upstairs. "C'mon, Deano. Let's go."

I knew this evening would be interesting, but not nearly as interesting as I expected...

(A/N OUUUUH CLIFFHANGAAA <3 ily mutants byeeeee)

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