Chapter 14

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Dean's POV

I felt like utter crap the next morning. Maybe it was because of what happened last night. I was relieved because the laughing in my head was gone now. I didn't want to go anywhere today. 

I laid in bed for another 10 minutes, until I heard knocking on my door. 

"Come in..." I answered dully.

Bobby walked in with a concerned expression. "Are you alright?"

I shrugged. Of course I wasn't going to tell Bobby of the incident last night, unless he brought it up. It wasn't a total lie, so I didn't feel so bad when I told him I felt sick, and I woke up in the middle of the night to puke. 

He squinted his eyes at me, but then decided that he believed me. He told me I could stay home. Luckily, I'd be here alone, because everyone was either going to school, or going to work. 

Bobby left to go downstairs to get ready for work. I checked the time on my phone. It was quarter after eight. I sighed, because I kinda felt bad that Sam had to go to school by the bus. 

I rolled over and fell asleep again. 

When I woke up, I checked the time on my phone again. It was almost noon. I felt very content because I had slept for a decent amount of time, extra to what I had over night. I also had a few missed calls and texts. I had a miss call from Bobby, and he left a voicemail, so I checked that.

"Hey... Uh... Dean. It's Bobby. I just wanted to check up on you and make sure you're okay. When you get this, call back or text me. Bye.."

I laughed and rolled my eyes at his awkwardness. I texted him, saying that I was fine, and that I was sleeping. 

I also had 2 missed calls and 4 text messages from Cas. 

He left no voicemail's with his calls, but his text messages read: "Hey, Dean. Coming to school?" "Running late?" "Bro, are you alright?" "Dean, text me back!!" 

I texted him back and said, "Sorry. I was sleeping. And naw, I feel pretty crappy today. Can you lend me your notes tomorrow?" 

I got a reply less than a minute after I sent mine.

From Cas: Are you home alone? 

To Cas: Yeah. Why?

From Cas: If I skip the rest of the day, can I come to your place and chill? It's boring here without you. April is in a pissy mood and I don't wanna deal with her.

To Cas: I don't suggest you skip, but if you really want to, I can't necessarily stop you, can I? 

From Cas: Okay. I'll be there in twenty minutes. 

He got here in about thirty minutes. I was extremely pleased to hear the knock at the front door. It was about one o'clock. I paused Sherlock, and got up to see Cas with a bag of Dorritos, a few cans of Arizona, and some movies. I grinned at him. 

"Ahh. There's that smile I've been needing to brighten my day," he said. If I could have smiled more, I would have, but then I would have pulled all the muscles in my face. 

He walked over to the DVD player, and put the movie in. It was a comedy. 

We watched about twenty minutes of the movie, but got bored, so we just threw on some quiet music and talked randomness on the couch.

"So what's going on with your girlfriend?" I asked. He had been complaining about her earlier, so I thought I'd ask.

"April has just been really bitchy lately. Maybe its that time of the month. Maybe she wants to break up... I don't know. I wish she would communicate better with me. Its hard to know where she stands on things." He shook his head. "I just don't know anymore."

I chuckled. "That's why its much easier being a Single Pringle," I said "I would like to say I understand, but I don't. The way you're explaining it, makes it sound like it sucks, but I wouldn't know. I've only ever gone out with someone once, and that turned to hell..." I trailed off at the end of my spiel.

"What happened?" 

I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out, so Cas added, "There's something I haven't told you. Its about a bad relationship. Secret for a secret? You don't need to tell me if you don't want to." He smiled.

I nodded subtly. "After I graduated the eighth grade, my uncle and dad decided it would be a good idea to send me to a... summer camp for all boys. I met this guy, Johnny, and I was into him. We started dating, and it was great! After the summer camp ended, there was still a week before I began the ninth grade. I had Johnny come over, and this is when I decided I was going to tell my dad of my boyfriend. At the time, I labelled myself a bisexual, as opposed to gay. Now, I'm full out gay. My dad was... unsupportive, to say the least. Honestly, that's an understatement. He basically beat me because I was different. Needless to say, Johnny left me that day, and I haven't even heard from him since. It sucked because that was a time in which I needed him the most. So yeah..."

Cas' jaw was dropped when I looked over at him. "You never told me your dad used to hit you! What happened?"

"About two months after he began hitting me, my uncle walked in one time when it was happening. I needed to be hospitalized after that. My dad was put in jail. He's still there now." I didn't really want to talk about it anymore, so I changed the subject by asking about his story. 

"This happened almost two years ago, when I lived in Cali. I am bisexual, and I discovered this when I was in my freshman year. There was this guy, Drake, and to put it simply, I fell in love with him two weeks after I met him. He liked a lot of the stuff I liked. He dressed the same way I do now. We started dating a little while after we met, and it got serious pretty fast. A while before we started dating, Drake was diagnosed with major depression, severe anxiety and bipolarity. I couldn't even tell you the amount of times he called me in the middle of the night because he was having a panic attack. It got bad... Really bad." He tried to continue but it was evident that he was holding back sobs.

I put my hand on his arm to let him know it was okay, and he lost it. Tears fell like bullets from a machine gun. It took him a few minutes to regain the ability to speak.

"I was at school one day, and the principal came in to tell everyone that... Drake had committed suicide. I didn't believe him. Not my Drake... In the bottom of my heart, I knew it was true. So I got out of my seat, and ran out of the school. I ran for ten minutes without stopping. The school called my older brother, and he called the police. They were looking for me for two hours before they actually found me. The anniversary of his death is on February 24th..."

I scooted closer to him, and wrapped my arms around him, and moments later, he was hugging me back. I didn't say 'sorry' to him for his loss, because sorry doesn't bring them back, so I just sat there hugging my best friend until my watch beeped signaling that school was over.

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