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A/N: I hope this chapter doesn't offend anyone. I am not making a joke out of God, I am just providing him the center of attention in the story. He must have a role, so that the reader, hence you, can understand Michael's concept of returning to earth. Also, I don't like Lisa Marie Presley.. I respect her but, I don't like her.. And lastly, this story is somewhat of an age gap..haha I love 'em!




Michael's POV*

oh no! It's happening again! Every time my feelings take over, I end up hurting her! After July let go of me and fell, I tried my hardest to rescue her. I jumped after her, but it was too late. As I fell, I noticed my surroundings were changing. The pit in which I was falling into, was turning into a room. I landed on a black marble floor and stood up. It didn't hurt much. The room was completely pitch black.

"Michael...You musn't let your feelings escape their boundary!" A voice commanded. It echoed throughout the room. I knew exactly who it was. God. I sighed, ashamed of my actions. Why did I take advantage of July like that?! I am so much better than this! I know I'm not perfect, but I could try harder to contain myself around her.

"I am truly sorry Father. For, I have mistaken my actions with the coordination of my emotions.. Please forgive me..."

"But my child, forgiveness is always guaranteed. Tis trust is our struggle.. "


"Yes Michael?"

"What are my limits?.. This woman.. she is special to me.. I need to be united with her"

"This is the reason I doubted your return to earth! She is not a full woman yet, and even though love has no limits in the hearts of my children, you must follow the laws of thy land..."

"Which means, no physical contact with her? Although, I may find a loop."


"Father, my soul and spirit is older than I. Is this an irregularity to cherishing July's love?"

"no, my child."

"Then what is? Please inform me!"

"Her sister...She hasn't found her true self quite yet.. And since you have begun a relationship with her and kissed her sister, you have committed a small form of adultery.." My head was spinning. I couldn't handle anymore of this!

"Father? May I fly?"

"Yes my may.." And with that, he provided me with my wings. They shredded through my skin and glided through my muscles, which contracted around them. I screamed in agony, but it felt good to have such pressure on me again. They were damp. They dripped of my blood, but I would dry them. The room began to disappear and once again, I started to fall. My wings outstretched and captured the air beneath it. I turned them sideways and began to glide. I made my way to the skies and flew through the clouds. Looking over my dream land. The dream land I made for my Love.. Sadly, I don't mean July.. I mean Lisa.. Lisa Marie Presley.

July's POV*


I was in total shock. Did Michael and I meet in the dream, or was I just having a sexual dream about rubbing against him.. But if I was just having a sexual dream, then of course I must have been doing it in real life. I mean Michael was hard, and wow...yeah, he was definitely hard right now.. *sigh* I'm trying so hard not to rip off his pants and suck him- whoa! Back to reality! Even if the dream was fake, then why are my hands like this? I slid off of Michael and got up. I was about to go get a blanket since it was a little cold. Then I noticed Michael's sudden action. He was shaking and whimpering. I began to shake him, so he would wake up.

"Michael?.. Michael??" After a while, he awoke and his eyes were silver.

"Lisa..?" he asked innocently.

"no Mich-" he interrupted me with a huge hug.

"Lisa, I've missed you so much! You were my everything! My sun, moon, joy, and more! Why did you leave me Lisa?..why?" tears began to stream down his face. I didn't know what to do.

"m-Michael, I'm not-"

"Lisa, please tell me you still love me.."

"but Mich-"

"Lisa please! I Love You!! Why won't you understand that?!" His grip got tighter and he sobbed into my shirt. What was going on? I knew who he was referring to of course, but I didn't know he still loved her this much. Gosh, I swear I couldn't win over his heart for anything! I pushed him away and noticed he shifted, just like he did in my dream. He was now, just sitting there smiling.. He looked adorable and I could see that his eyes were changing back to normal.


"Yes, July?" I sighed and smiled at him. He was acting so cute.

"Are you..okay?" He nodded his head really fast.

"Of course I am! Why wouldn't I be?"

"uh, no reason.."

"Is there a candy shop around here? I really like candy and well..that's about it.."

"haha Michael it is almost 10:00pm don't you think they would be closed?" He shook his head 'no' like a little kid, then pouted.

"will you take me pleaaaaaaasssseeee!!!!" he sang the word 'please' for the longest time ever.

"Okay! Get your shoes..oh! by the way, you're gonna have to at least shift back..." He looked at me confused, then went to the nearby mirror. His eyes widened and I furrowed my eyebrows. He's acting like he just saw a ghost. "Michael are you okay?" I asked him again. He stared at me and said,

"What exactly did I say to you earlier?"

"You mean when you called me Lisa?" He sighed and held his head low.

"I'll go get my shoes.. then we can leave.:"

"but what's wrong?.. and you have to transform back.."


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