Sleeping with a Jackson

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After dinner, it was time for everyone to go home. I walked up to August while Michael was beside me. "uh, August?"

"yes child, what do you want?"

"Well, Michael has nowhere to stay tonight and I was thinking maybe he-....wait, no. Do you mind dropping him off at home with me and his parents will come to pick him up..?"

"If they brought him here, they can take him back home can't they?" Michael politely barged in and said,

"Well actually, my father is off to work by now and my mother may take a while coming to get me since she has a lot of...things to do." August looked at me and I just shrugged and went along with it.

She sighed and responded with a "well alright." Then before I could say anything she finished her sentence. "But if I find out that you two do anything sexual alone, I will break you boy. And you too, July!" I rolled my eyes,

"I'm not like that and Michael isn't either! Besides, I am 18 years old! I can do what I want." She raised an eyebrow at my sudden outburst and gave me a look that could kill. I apologized and walked outside with Michael. While we sat on the curb waiting for August I shivered. Michael looked over to me and gave me the coat he had on. "Thank you." I said he just smiled and sighed. "Michael, how long will you be here?"

"I don't know quite yet."

"Well will you be leaving anytime soon?"

"I doubt it. Can I ask you something?"

"yes you may."

"How come you didn't freak out when I popped up out of nowhere?" I giggled.

"you didn't frighten me as much as surprise me."

"oh, well can I ask you something else?"

"haha go ahead Michael."

"How will I blend in with the community?" I took a quick glance at him, then the sky, then him again.

"you mean to tell me that you didn't come with instructions or something?!" he shrugged.

"I was just assigned. Never really told." I sighed.


August finally came out and drove us to the house. She repeated her whole lecture again about sexual activities then left. I decided to take a shower so I told Michael to get comfy.


When I got out I didn't see Michael.

"Michael!" I shouted out looking for him. I walked outside and looked around, then that's when I saw him. He was on the roof staring at the stars. I made my way up there and sat next to him. "I'm guessing you miss heaven?" He smiled and said,

"Yeah. but I'm also up here to just admire the stars." I looked in his eyes and watched as they glistened.

"my oh my. Your eyes are a beauty." I said, not noticing what had just came out of my mouth. He glanced at me and I noticed a tint of red take over his usual tone. We stared at the stars for hours until it started to rain.


"maybe we should get to bed." I offered. While we made our way inside he questioned where he was going to sleep. "You can sleep on my bed. I refuse to make you sleep on the couch and besides we aren't gonna be doing anything." I knew be wanted to veto my proposal but too bad. I was the first one to lay down then he did so. I buried myself under him and enjoyed the heat that radiated from him.

~ I sat up in bed and noticed Michael wasn't around. I didn't feel him next to me. "Michael?" I whispered since it was so dark I couldn't see. A pinkish/orangish light peeked through the corners of my bedroom door. I slowly made my way over and opened it. The light was coming downstairs and a soft melody was playing. I followed the light all the way outside of my house and my eyes widened when I noticed my house was on a beach. The sand was warm and the ocean was just beautiful! it had a purple tint on it. Then I noticed where the light was coming from. I looked at the sky (that looked just like the nighttime atmosphere with stars) and admired the sun slowly rising. It glowed with love. I continued to walk down to the coast of the beach and when I made it, I noticed Michael walking towards me. "Michael?"

"yes, Love?" my stomach found the butterflies within and let them out. He had never called me 'Love.'

"w-where are we?"

"in a dream. a dream that I'm hosting... do you like it?" I smiled,

"Yes! it's so different. Unique! it's a wonderful view!" he giggled and came to grab my hand, pulling me closer to him. I blushed as he did so.

"There's a much better view here though." he said smiling shyly.

"really? where?" I replied playing dumb as if I didn't know what he was referring to. I just loved seeing him blush.

"right in front of me...the most beautiful view in the world." I bit my lip and smiled looking down. He blushed of course and led me to sit on the sand with him. A bunch of pillows appeared behind us and Michael layed on them while I layed on him. His arms held me close and finally the sun reached past the horizon and brightened the sky into a heavenly blue. I looked at Michael and he looked back at me. He moved his hand to caress my cheek and I closed my eyes, enjoying his touch. Then a loud buzzing noise filled the air. The waves began to rise violently and the sky looked as if it was cracking. Some parts of the beach began to sink, so I looked at Michael who seemed to be confused and started to panic. I couldn't speak and I didn't know why. Michael's chest rose so quickly and violently that I thought he had broken something. He screamed in agony telling me to make it stop. I couldn't say anything and I was horrible in chaotic situations. I could never think straight. I didn't know why he told me to make it stop. Was I causing all of this? The waves finally made their way up to us and practically drowned us for about 2 minutes. The sun was sinking into the sky and a big black hole formed. The clouds and stars were being sucked into it. I was drowning in my own tears and the salty ocean. I looked around for Michael but I didn't see him. The waves kept hitting me and finally I was hit into a rock. I sank to the bottom and noticed Michael floating with a huge gash in his head. He was unconscious and the sea began to turn red because of his blood. I started to shake and suddenly everything went dark.~

I bolted awake gasping for air and coughing. I was back in my old room. I felt horrible. I made my way to the window and I was back on earth. I turned and noticed a whimpering. It was coming from Michael, whom was sitting in the corner. He had his head buried in his knees and he was sitting in blood soaked clothes. I even noticed my clothes were soaked. There was a trail of blood that followed him from the bed. I was about to comfort him, but I got sick to my stomach. I ran to a trash can and let out everything I ate yesterday. Tears poured from my eyes and I fell on the ground too weak to even think. Michael looked at me slowly and his eyes were bloodshot red. he had been crying. There was a gash in his forehead but it seemed to be healing by itself. He crawled over to me and lifted my head laying it on his lap. What had happened?

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