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Good to know that people are actually reading, but can you do me a favor and DON'T be a silent reader.

You know who you are.


*July's POV*

He looked at me and smiled.

"yes. I'm feeling better.. But how did we get here?"

"I uh.. I dragged you here after that explosion.."

"oh.." He walked over to the bed and sat down.

"Michael?" He looked up at me and smiled.


"I need you to explain something to me.."

"What is that?"

"These dreams..I know that you know what I'm talking about.." He went pale for a second then he looked away.

"What about them?" He spoke almost in a whisper.

"Why am I always dragged into them?"

"It's just a part of me protecting you, when I can't help physically." I smiled to myself and hugged him. He seemed surprised, but hugged me back.

"Thank you for protecting me." I whispered in his ear. He blushed then held on to me tighter.

"Thank you for believing in me."


"nothing.." I gave him a puzzled look then he smiled at me sheepishly. That's when I noticed that my arms were still laced around him. I began to pull them back but Michael stopped me. "please don't let me go..." I gazed into those dark pools of sensitivity that he called eyes and nodded as if I were hypnotized.

"uh.. Michael-"

"sleep with me." My eyes widened.

"not like that!" he said while giggling. Then his face went serious and he nuzzled his nose against my neck and whispered, "I meant lay with me. Don't leave my side for the night. I'll be the perfect gentleman and we don't even have to touch.. just don't leave me alone." His lips felt amazing as they brushed against me.

"okay." I whispered. For the remainder of our time, Michael and I snuggled on the bed and I would draw imaginary circles on his arm with my finger tips while he would hug me by my waist. He smelled heavenly. I laughed at my description of him since he had basically fallen from heaven. Michael looked up at me like I was crazy and that only made me laugh more. He rolled his eyes and laid back on my stomach.



"Have you heard from August?" I don't know why I felt the way I did when he asked me that question. It seemed as though somebody had struck me with a bat called realization. Everything flooded back to my mind. Michael and August were together.. The kiss they shared and the way Michael looked at her. I knew I had no chance.

"no" I stated as my voice cracked. Michael glanced up at me and sighed.

"I'm sorry..."

"There's no need to be sorry. If you love someone, it just happens. You can't help it." He furrowed his eyebrows.

"no.. I mean.. Her car.. the explosion... don't you remember?" I stared at him blankly. Then I nodded. He sat up all the way and said, "then why aren't you acting like you care? You're sister could be dead." I chuckled at him and shook my head.

"she's not my sister."


"She's not my sister. My mother just found her in some alleyway and brought 'er home! I only have one sibling and he's...gone.." Michael stared at me like I was on some type of new high. I stared back at him. I thought he would know these things since he is my guardian angel! He shook his head and groaned.

"you should still try and call her." he urged.

"If I could don't you think I would have?!"

*Michael's POV*

"don't you have a phone or something? Or there has to be a phone in this room." I said while getting off of the bed and searching for a phone. I stopped when I heard July scoff at me. "what?"

"You really do love her huh?"

"well like you said, 'you can't help who you love. It just happens.' Besides, I would think that you love her too since she's your SISTER!!" July paused, and it looked as if she was trying to get herself together, but that wasn't the case.

"NO SHE'S NOT!!" She yelled at me.




"Why should I!? She gets everything she wants!!"

"Maybe because that's what a sibling does!" She opened her mouth to say something but then closed it. Nothing was going to come out. She then went back to laying down on the bed. "What is your problem?!" I yelled confused and angered. She then sighed and spoke quietly in almost a whisper,

"My 'sister' is dead. That's my problem.."


*July's POV*

After Michael and My's argument, we didn't speak a word to each other. He tried to keep his distance, but failed. He wanted me close even though he knew that I was mad. While he was asleep, I stayed up repeating the one sentence he said that had caught me off guard,

"Well like you said, 'you can't help who you love. It just happens.' "


Any thoughts? 

At all...??


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