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As I sat up and my body was done healing I looked all around. I kept coughing and couldn't really catch my breath. The scene of crimson splattered all over the streets made me sick. There was debris everywhere. People weren't moving as they laid upon the dirt and broken cement. There were still flames blazing on the car and my mind instantly raced back to the guy that had ran away. Was he the reason for this? A siren began to become louder and I looked at July. She was now laying in my lap.

"July?.." I shook her a little and she didn't reply. "July!?" Her body seemed lifeless. My coughing and yelling seemed as though it was systematic. I didn't know what was going on. She was JUST awake! I turned her so she was facing me. Her eyes were halfway opened. The ambulance arrived and the shock displayed on their faces were as clear as daylight. Before they noticed me, I moved back and hid behind some debris. One of the men held up a device and yelled "RETREAT!! RETREAT!! OXYGEN NEEDED CONTAMINATED AIR PRESENT!!" My eyes widened and I looked at July. That's probably why she wasn't responding. The air she breathed in was slowing down her system that allowed her to respond. She was still conscious and I knew it. I laid my head down on her chest and I could hear her slowly breathing. I had an idea. Whenever I brought July to a deep place within my imagination and it blended with her thoughts, she would stop breathing the air in reality and I would be in control of her breathing. If I could get her and I to safety while I controlled her breathing then she would be able to get the fumes out of her system. I pulled July away from the scene and laid her beside a tree. I bent down and looked deep within her eyes. My eyes turned silver and July went unconscious. It was hard but I tried my best to stay awake, control her breathing, and sneak past the guards. When they all gathered oxygen tanks they went out and started to help victims who were clearly dead. I eased into the Ambulance and grabbed an oxygen tank. I brought the oxygen mask to my face and began to breathe. My vision was becoming blurry and I felt dizzy. I eased out of the Ambulance and tried to walk back over to July. I fell to my knees as I became weak. July was so close to me but all I could do was reach out my hand to her and hope she would wake up soon. That's when I noticed a voice yell,

"HEY!!! SOMEONE GET THAT MAN!!" The last thing I remember, is seeing a blurry silhouette of July begin to move. Then I blacked out.


July's POV*

"Thank you so much... I owe you Michael.. I really do." I said as I grabbed a hold of Michael in a tight hug. I buried my face in his shirt and coughed a little. since he had got burnt, I guess the smoke was making me a little sick. My head began to throb and I felt sick. It felt like I was going to vomit, but before I could move away I fell onto Michael's lap as he sat up. I was facing down and my vision wasn't as clear. I felt like I was hallucinating. My eyes closed half way and my body went limp. I furrowed my eyebrows because it seemed like everything was moving in slow motion. I remember seeing red and blue lights flashing and I was being dragged. I was put beside a tree then Michael looked me in the eyes and that was that. I then woke up on sand. I slowly stood up and noticed I was in a torn up dress. I turned around and my eyes widened. The atmosphere around me was fully of whistling winds that whipped through thin clouds. The sky was a soft yellow and pink. Light shined through, but the sun was nowhere to be found. I blocked the light from my eyes and noticed something wasn't right. I wasn't breathing. My eyes widened and I tried breathing in air but I wasn't in control of my breathing. I dropped to the ground and fell on my knees. I wrapped my hands around my neck and bent my head down so it was touching the ground. That's when I felt something gooey beneath me. I looked at the ground and I was in a field of grass mixed with blood. I wanted to scream but I couldn't. I sat up and walked backwards until I tripped over something. It was August. She was lying on the ground and her wrists were bleeding uncontrollably. That's when I noticed that she was the reason everything was soaked in blood. Tears flowed out of my eyes, but they didn't go down my cheeks. they dropped into the air as it it didn't contain mass. Then I gasped. I didn't know why but I just did. Finally I began to breathe and when I did I saw Michael appear beside me. But the world began to fade away fro. me and I woke up. I was leaning on a tree and then I spotted Michael unconscious. A man was running towards him, so I got up and pulled Michael up.

"STOP! YOU BOTH NEED MEDICAL ATTENTION!!" the man yelled. I shook my head 'no' and lifted Michael up. His arms were wrapped around my neck and I pulled him along. That's when I heard a loud shot and everyone dropped to the ground. I fell and Michael fell on top of me. I turned over and dragged him into a shaded area. Nobody knew where the shot had came from so I used this distraction as an advantage to take Michael to safety. I checked my pockets and my phone was still there. I sighed in relief and took it out and called a nearby hotel. I had enough money to buy a room for Michael and I. They reserved a room on the top floor for us and I groaned. They had to give us a room on the top floor. I stood up and picked Michael up over my shoulder. He was heavy to me but I managed to carry him. When I got to the Hotel, I put Michael down and put one of his arms around my shoulder. Then walked to the man at the front desk.

"um.. I'm here for the reserved room 135." he nodded and cocked his eyebrow suspicious of why I was holding Michael. "oh don't worry about him, he's drunk." I said quickly coming up with a lie. I spotted an elevator and walked to it. I walked in with Michael. A man held it open for me and he joined us.

"What room?" he asked with a smile.

"uh room 135"

"oh, top floor?"


"well we should be on our way" he said chuckling. he seemed nervous.

"yeah.. I guess."'

"um.. my name is Steven." he said reaching his hand out for me to shake.

"July" I said while shaking his hand.

"well I can see you have your hands full.." I chuckled.

"yeah.. he's just a little intoxicated.."

"ah, I see. Rough night?"


" well here's your stop."

"Thank you." I walked out and went to the room. I put the card in and opened it. It was beautiful and comfy. I found the bed and laid Michael down on it. My legs were sore from carrying him so I decided to take a shower. While in there, I thought about August. I looked down and saw a mixture of blood and water going down the drain. I knew it wasn't that time of the month so where did it come from?... I lifted my foot and saw blood on it. That's when I remembered that dream. I got out of the shower and wrapped myself in a towel. I heard moaning and walked out the bathroom. Michael was awake and it seemed like he had a headache. "Well hello sleepy head." I said. he looked at me and stood up and hugged me tight.

"July!! You're okay!!" I smiled.

"yes I am, but are you?"

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