Chapter 1

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A/N: This is the sequel to my story Tell Me You Love Me. So definitely go read that before jumping into this one! Love you all, please tell me what you think and leave me a comment!

Until next time,



Jack's POV:

Ah, college. It supposed to be great wasn't it? Mind opening and new. You're supposed to grow up and learn responsibilities, you know, really find who you are. At least that's what people had always told me.

I guess they didn't care to mention the stress that came with it. Yeah, I found new parts of myself, and that was called anxiety. I had more stress at that school than I'd ever had in my entire life. I had to really keep up my grades because if I didn't I could say goodbye to my scholarship, and without my scholarship I would be drowning in debt for the rest of my life.

I had no time for anything but school work and actual work. I had no time for myself, friends, or family. The school I was attending was way too far away from all those people and I couldn't' find the time to visit. I'd never felt so alone in my entire life, and it was all my fault.

My mom had been begging for weeks to visit me but I couldn't manage. This is, until she just showed up one day. Luckily it was a Saturday, but I was still swamped. I was in my room studying for an upcoming exam. I didn't have work for once, even though I needed the money.

There was a knock on my dorm door. I didn't have many friends and the ones I did have I knew were busy so I was thoroughly confused. I tried to just ignore whoever it was but this person kept knocking. It made sense when I finally opened the door to find my very annoyed mother.

"Mom," I mumbled, "What're you doing here?" I left the door open and walked back over to my desk.

"I came to see you Jack," She told me. "What? Don't look at me like that. It's been, what? Three months? More? What's up with you?"

I shrugged, looking at my open textbook. "I've been busy."

"Busy," Mom gave me a look. "Right."

"School's a lot of work," I explained. "And on top of that I have my job, which is literal work. I don't know, Mom. I- Look, I need to get back to studying. Today is my day off and I need to keep up with the reading in my music class."

"There's reading for music...?" She asked. I go to reply but she cuts me off before I even begin, "Never mind. Jesus, Jack. Don't you have any time for yourself? I came to visit you. Don't you have an hour to catch up with your mother?"

I frowned, already trying to rework my schedule in my head. This was going to put me behind. I'd have to stay up late to work on my English paper that was already late, but maybe if I-

Mom looked at me expectantly and I sighed. I didn't need to waste more time. She wasn't going to let me get back until she gets what she wants. "Yeah, I guess."

"Honey, this isn't right. You need time for yourself. Do you at least get out at night? With friends... or something?"

I almost scoffed. I had no time for that. She really didn't get it. I couldn't manage everything and it was starting to make me feel like shit. I was supposed to be an adult, be able to handle everything, but I just couldn't. What was wrong with me?

I looked at her, I'm sure she could tell my the look on my face I was struggling. Then tears started to from and all my frustrations poured out and I was crying, like a baby. Mom took one moment to look at me, then pulled me into a hug so she could comfort me.

She caressed my hair and let me cry it out like when I was younger and had scraped my knee or something. "Darling," she said when I'd calmed down a little, "this school is nice, but they expect too much of you. The semester is almost over. You could transfer and be closer to home. How about going to the college Alex goes to?"

The name sent a wave of emotion through me. I hadn't talked to Alex since we said goodbye to each other in this very room. At first it felt like we were still together, then it hit me that we weren't and it burned and hurt so bad for a while. I distracted myself with school and tried to push it away. It was working, it was.

"He probably hates me now," I choked.

"Why would he hate you Jack? You didn't do anything wrong. You both decided this was best," Mom reminded me, but I knew. I just felt like all of this was my fault. "And even if he didn't want to talk to you, you still have Zack. He goes there too, and a few other friends, right? The work won't be as hard and the stress won't be so bad."

I let the idea sink in a little. It could be nice and maybe Alex missed me as much as I missed him. Maybe we could pick back up right where we left off. Then I remembered why I was here in the first place, "What about my scholarship? I'll loose it. I can't afford-"

"Don't worry about that, honey," Mom declared, squeezing my arm in a reassuring way. "I'll help you as much as I can."

"But you-"

"I've been saving for a while now," she informed me, "and I'm perfectly capable of helping you. You just have to come back and stop being so stressed. It's not healthy."

A huge weight lifted off my chest. I didn't realize how bad I wanted out until now, and she was offering me an escape route. I loved my mom so much.

"Thank you," I sobbed, hugging her again, twice as tight.

"It's alright, Jack. That's what I'm here for. Anytime you need me. We'll figure this out." She pushed me back so she could look at me and move my hair out of my eyes, "Chin up, kid. It's going to be fine. All you need to do is talk to your counselor and figure out what needs to be done to be transferred. Then just ride these last few weeks out and do your best."

"Okay," I breathed, finally calming down a little. "I can do that."

"Of course you can," she smiled supportively. "Now, for the important business."

"Important business?" I questioned.

"Aren't colleges supposed to have frozen yogurt or smoothie places or something?"

"Uhm," I paused, holding back a laugh, "Yeah, I guess."

"Then let's go find one."

I grinned at her and nodded, following her out of my dorm. I left my books and assignments and troubles behind and for the first time in a long time I was excited for the future.

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