Kakashi Hatake [1] The Sharingan Users Finding's

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(Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto...'nuff said)...~Ana6318)

"Let go of me! I'll have you know that I could kill you all easily!" Shouted a female as three ANBU struggled with the teen.

"Stop struggling and we'll let you walk beside us instead of bound and carried." The ANBU called Weasel said venomously.

The girl gave him an angry glare and stopped struggling so much, when they put her down she sighed and closed her eyes in relief that she was on her own two feet. "Move." Said a Dog faced ANBU. The girl took one wobbly step felt a twinge of pain from her unnoticed injuries and fainted forwards. The Dog ANBU caught her and softly picked her up bridal style while sighing. He was nineteen and an ANBU captain, why did he have to get the mission of catching a girl that was wandering around the perimeter of the Leaf Village like she was confused on where to go and acting like she hadn't even known where she was in the first place.

Taking to the roof's, Dog and Weasel along with Bear and Sabel all shunshined to the Hokage Tower. When they got to the office, Sable knocked while Dog and Weasel watched the girl laying in Dog's arms and Bear stood straight and still no comments, she looked like she was in pain. Her face screwed up in an expression of pain mixed with a hint of fear. Suddenly her eyes opened and she looked up blinking blurrily at Dog with her searing dusk blue dew eyes.

"Enter." Came the voice of the Hokage from the other side of the door. He was speaking with a white haired man that Dog knew well, Dog walked in last and the door shut with an audible thud.

"Ahh, so this is the girl?" Asked the Hokage.

"Hai, Sir!" Dog says while helping the girl stand. She decided to stay quiet and used Dog as a sort of life line to stand while clutching her right side.

"Are you hurt?" The Hokage asked the girl.

The girl said nothing, looking at the white haired man she turned her gaze away from his smiling features.

"What is your name?" The Hokage asked softly like he was talking to an endangered rabbit. Again she didn't speak, just stayed silent and tense.

"I see you don't want to say much at all," The Hokage says still speaking softly. The girl had her bangs in her face shadowing her eyes from view. "We could take you to the Interrogations and Torture Division if you refuse to speak?" He offers yet she stays firmly planted unspeaking before the Hokage.

"Maybe we should call in a female? She may be too frightened to talk with all men." Dog refers.

"I'd rather be tortured then speak to the likes of the leaf village!" The girl suddenly bursts out angrily.

"Very well, take her to Ibiki Morino, Inoichi Yamanaka and Anko for interrogation." The Hokage says still calm and cool, collected by far.

"I've been wiped of all my memories... You won't find anything out from my subconscious old man." The girl spat.

"Hmm, take her anyways..." The Hokage says uncaring as ever now.

Dog, Weasel, Bear and Sabel all bow and shunshine away with the girl in tow. "She's hiding something." Jiraiya says with eyes squinted.

"Inoichi and Ibiki will get it out of her." The Hokage says.

"If Ibiki doesn't kill her first." Jiraiya adds.


"Alright, I get the reins before my partner gets here...I'm Ibiki Morino and I'm from the torture unit. Be prepared for the pain of your life." Ibiki says as he goes through handsigns vastly. "Boar-Dog-Bird-Monkey-Ram! Summoning: Torture Chamber!" He says and out of nowhere, a huge cage traps the two and chains tie tightly around her arms. She whimpers and struggles a little making Ibiki smile.

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