Kakashi Hatake [2] Blonde Boy Genius Without A Voice

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(Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto & never will. Thanks!)

[2 Years, 1 Month into Mission]

Kakashi had been watching Sasami for over two years now and he was glad she hadn't defected for one he didn't want to kill her so that was a plus that she hadn't ran off and put the village konohagakure no sato and herself at risk. Kakashi however had been mad enough to pummel the training grounds training objects when he had reapplied for ANBU and Sarutobi-Sama had declined it and said his mission was not yet finished.

[9:30 PM August 21, Konoha streets]

Kakashi was walking down the streets annoyed still, he put his hands in his pockets and huffed out a long sigh of angst. 'Why does he have to be so annoying?' He thinks about Sarutobi-Sama's angry expression when he told the old man he wanted back in ANBU and would try his hardest to get his rank back as captain.

"Get back here Demon brat!" Came a masculine shout from an Ally. A small cry came from a little person, Kakashi calculated the voice was small so it had to be a toddler and being the shinobi he was he went to investigate the commotion.

"I told you to get over here!" The masculine voice shouted and threw a glass bottle of Saki at the boy. It cracked the little boy in the head and he fell to the alley's floor unconscious.

"Hey! Leave that child alone, get away from him." Kakashi yelled at the man as he noticed the unconscious child that had blood seeping from his skull.

"He's the Demon of Konoha! You'd protect a Demon?" The man asked with a slur.

"Yes, it's every Shinobi's law, protect the child that is the holder of the Kyuubi No Kitsune! Now get out of here before I have your ass and send you to the Investigation's Department!" Kakashi shouts. The man goes wide eyed and staggers away as quick as possible. "If you ever touch him again, I'll kill you slowly and personally. That's a promise."

The little boy stayed still, he was out cold Kakashi examined. He saw bruises and cuts and scars on his arms and legs. He had cut feet from running around barefoot and he seemed cold, almost like he was a corpse instead of a child. Kakashi felt for a pulse, it was there just barely. Kakashi let out a sigh of relief, "Stay with the living Naruto...don't leave me here alone as well." He whispers to the little boy. Flashbacks of Minato-Sensei and Lady Kushina lying dead before the sealing alter and Obito trapped under rocks from the rock slide during the war and Rin; his best friend...she had left him too, she went on to be a medic and hadn't talked to him in years ever since the team had been broken up from half of it being basically murdered in cold blood and Rin just couldn't handle it. Kakashi broke out of his thoughts as he looked at the little boy, his Sensei's son. He picked up the limp boy and shunshined away to the hospital.

[Sitting in wait]

Kakashi sat at the side of a hospital bed, he was reading a book like usual. A small ruffle of the bed sheets made the Jounin look up casually and eye smile when he say the little boy was blinking away the sleep and fuzziness from his eyes.

"Where am I?" Came a cute little voice. Kakashi almost cooed at the adorableness of the boy's tiny voice but stopped himself. He was a Jounin! He shouldn't be in awe of a toddler!

"You're at the hospital, can't you see? Look around at your surroundings." Kakashi says with a bored expression.

The little blonde turned his gaze on Kakashi and his eyes went wide and he suddenly went wild, ripping out the IV in his hand by accident along with the heart monitor pads and jumping off the large bed to run to the other corner of the room. "Easy now Naruto, I'm not here to hurt you." Kakashi said a bit harshly and commanding trying to hide he was hurt by the boy's reaction.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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